
If enough people move to America, the standard of living will fall, especially for poor and working class people in America.

There’s only a finite amount of jobs, and housing, and funding for public services - the more people you have competing for those resources are, the harder life will become.

You were an accident? (that’s cold) :)

We need Central Americans to use birth control.

The US was almost 90% white until about 50 years ago.  Then the effects of the 1965 immigration law kicked in.  

When you break the law you get arrested. This isn’t a really difficult concept to figure out. I agree, it’s terribly sad about what is happening to these children. I know that the last time I went and robbed a bank and was apprehended by police they totally gave me a mulligan after I told them my sitter leaves at 5pm

It’s plausible, in the sense that you can’t throw a rock in Iowa right now without it bouncing off a presidential candidate and hitting three reporters on the rebound.

I imagine the people who are now tasked with caring for these children may be in need of some resources. Does anyone know of any organizations local to them seeking help, donations, or supplies?

I feel bad for native Mississippians who didn’t get jobs at the plants because the illegal labor was cheaper.  Descendants of slaves are being pushed aside from today’s version of slaves.

another show of ethnic cleansing

So you want the bosses arrested? Don’t you think that will lead to a lot of places not hiring undocumented workers? Why are you so racist? All they want to do is provide for their families and these bosses gave them that opportunity, and your racist ass wants to take that away?

“Ethnic cleansing”, by god. Get a fucking grip, you child.

People keep either forgetting or intentionally avoiding acknowledgment of the fact that Russian propaganda efforts weren’t just pro-Trump.

Protestors must employ common sense and allow vehicle traffic ingress & egress. If u disagree with ICE policies go block the garages or your congressional critters and demand they fix the problems once and for all. By the way, it was Obama who built all those cages the spineless one sided media is making you see non

“Anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood would not think you’re in a wealthy nation,” Sanders told reporters later at the Freddie Gray Empowerment Center in Bolton Hill. “You would think that you were in a Third World country.”

The “B” actually stands for “Bernie Gal”.

Is this a suicide by someone who wasn’t brave enough to die alone?

Daddy, what’s a white person?

Though the administration touted its focus as being on “felons, not families,” this is a fundamentally bad-faith dichotomy. People convicted of felonies still have families, and these families face the consequences of a deportation through no fault of their own. Children of deportees face severe financial hardship,

The horror never ends. Trump is now re-stigmatizing HIV, a curable now-temporary illness that no longer causes symptoms or poses a risk to the carrier, let alone the public. This is insane.