
epstein was found unconscious in his cell just a few minutes ago, right after this story broke. hillary works fast

How many times do they have to be told?

Don’t come here.

This article can’t be correct.

Yes, of course we need laws against things that are wrong. This is how societies work.

Actual serious question: Are you in favor of open borders?

So when Obama uses executive authority to get his pet projects done, it’s cool and good. When Trump does it (or any republican!) it’s a constitutional crisis. Got it. It’s almost like you believe that Democrats have the divine right to rule, and everybody else is just keeping the seat warm for them. I sure hope

She shouldn’t have been the nominee. When she started making millions as a private citizen, she should have left politics. Also, she was rejected in 2008 as voters chose that tall Hawaii/Chicago guy. The DNC gave us Trump. And anyone who still loves the Clintons should be banished from the party for life.

I generally believe that everyone deserves zealous legal representation.  Good god are people making me reconsider lately.

“custom figurines dressed in underwear — each piece, he noted, was modeled after one of his staffers.”

Democrats are going to fuck up the border issue again because voters can’t make heads or tails of where Democrats stand.

“These deaths wouldn’t be occurring if that were the case.”

I like the “return them to Mexico” bit. Deport them immediately, keep families together. 

Guy was real smart after we told him the first time, “Okay we’ll process your request. Stay in Mexico.” Then decided, “NOPE COMIN OVER ILLEGALLY AGAIN.” Well, sounds like he was all about making good decisions.

Stop coming here

Mind you, all this hyperbolic information is coming out of one very power-mad socialist girl with knowledge on par with that of a high school freshman, and no one able to corroborate her tales.

I’m getting a Jussie vibe from this story. Seems so outrageously over the top that it’s hard to believe.

His take is the correct take.

How many dead kids do we have to show them before they cave to our shitty policies??!!!?!!”

This. Why would they pick an openly gay man as the grand marshall of their “straight pride” parade?

This article doesn’t call it out well but they were getting into arguments on the patterns for the pink pussy hats/F*ck Trump scarves and Make America Great Again stuff.