
The many reasons you listed why a single earner might need two bedrooms all involve situations where government assistance (disability, social security, welfare) will also be available. Thus negating their importance to this discussion.

Its part of ice’s tool kit, yes.

How........ Diverse.

She should ask Obama.

Yes, it’s like that with every victory, some just love the fight and will not give it up.

I gotta say, this is the first time I’ve ever seen municipal bonds called risky.


He is copy pasting that all over the comments.

They granted him asylum and citizenship. They made a promise.

Or was it Clinton?

I get the impression she thinks all white men in existence owe all women of color an apology. Regardless of prior relationship.

Would be funnier if sending religious people gay wedding invitations was the intent, and not the complaint above.

No, I saw the story, I was addressing the headline calling it “even more racist” than the naming of nations and continents as shit holes on an article which only mentions ignoring the cbc.

“...Or it’s a conspiracy that all these people are cool with raping 12 year olds”


You spelled “purchased” wrong.

If you think China is less racist than Trump, please go there.

They don’t take foreign aid because they like us or agree with our goals.

“And the U.S. does?”

You think China and Russia are less racist than the US?