
Tuition goes up because they know loans are guaranteed.  It’s easy money.  And people will take out massive loans to attend their dream school, even if they can’t afford it. 

Yes.  American Airlines did this to me.

Gate checking is ok IF you get your luggage back at the gate when you land.  If it goes to baggage claim, that defeats the whole purpose of a carryon.

To get the best rates on Hilton, you need to prepay.  But I always do pay at checkout. 

My bank won’t take coins.  So I had a bunch of Euros with me.  I would have done this if I knew to get rid of said Euros.

This is why I keep HBO. In fact, I get money back in some promotion.  I have DirecTVs highest package and have unlimited with AT&T.  

Welcome to Lifehacker/Two Cents. This is probably my favorite blog. Per your request:

Big reason why we dont have Social Democrats is because it would be a new party and all the diehard Dems would bash it because it gives more votes to the Repubs.

Yup.  Exactly.  Their router is only needed to get the TV guide of their TV service.  So yes, use your own router.

The real winners are those Tesla owners that charge their cars at home with solar energy.  The electric companies will hate it, but it will be fantastic cycle of clean energy.

Here’s the problem:  Those lobbyists at the American Heart Association will gladly advocate money to be taken away from other causes just to increase their funding.  The hired guns have no stake in any of it except to collect a check.  Now if you have doctors and researchers from the AHA advocating for funding, that’s

Thank you for the whataboutisms.  You are no better.

You expect a proper dissertation on a blog? 

Sadly enough, probably.  Now, if the child has made it clear that they want treatment and understand what that means, there is a mechanism for a child to make their own decisions. 

I know the point you are trying to make, but that is not where I’m going with it. 

It’s pretty inexcusable that we as a country do not have universal coverage.

To a grander point, the basics of healthcare should be given for free as being a citizen of this country.  It’s up to the person themselves to use it as such.  But in a free healthcare for all system, there’s no dropping coverage for anyone.

Because the country is founded on a certain set of liberties.  Our goal is to stay somewhat in those liberties.  If a person wants to be a nomad and not get vaccinated or their family vaccinated and live in the wilderness alone, that is their right.  As it should be.  Now, if said child is removed from the home and

You know, that makes a great point.  It’s in the insurance company’s interest to get people vaccinated.  Lower bills and payments.  But what if you are forced to buy/have insurance? 

I side with you, but I cannot get behind the forced vaccination of anyone.  If you want them to require vaccination to go to school and get child services, that’s fine.  If you require vaccination from all students regardless if it’s public or private school, that’s cool too.  But I am not comfortable with any