
And expose the workers from child services to their growing petri dish of germs?

If you live in Eindhoven, then you will love that it’s called PSV. 

It’s going to sound cheap, but it depends. Example:

Yup.  The FiOS router have limited options and a small NAT table. 

Manning got clemency. That means it’s over.  So zip it with your insistence on the inaccurate pronoun. 

Meh.  To me, it depends.  One of my work trips to Seattle was so much fun that we recapped the trip the whole plane ride home.  Some coworkers are much more fun than others. 

Better yet, don’t use their router at all.  Get ethernet from the ONT box directly into your router of choice.  Their routers are pure garbage.

I’ve come to realized with government that this plowing of money is a myth.  A new administration will come in and divert said money elsewhere.  The utopian idea would be to use money to fix, expand, and lower cost to ride mass transit.  But they will have all this cash and still raise the rates. 

We did this for baby shower.  Instead of cards, bring a book and put your name on it so we know who got it for her. 

I only do the college fund (529) for people who ask.  And even if that, I only do it with close family members.  The other solution I have is clothes.  These kids grow like weeds and clothes are much needed!

When that person gives a gift, they lose possession of it and don’t own it anymore.  Thus if the receiver wants to donate it, that is up to them. 

I won’t be able to do this when the kid gets older, but currently, our 2 year old has been showered with gifts on bday and Christmas.  We have a closet full of them.  What we do is we do a rotation of toys.  However, we sometimes forget about a toy and she’s outgrown it already.  For those, we sell them and put the

Yup. Judging from the post credit, they had the pager going on for a while until she showed up.  

I would love it if we see Captain Marvel travel back to the NY battle and say something like “I knew you guys had it handled”. 

Exactly this. For the NY Battle, it is the ultimate test of Furys Avengers Initiative.  If they has failed, you bet he calls her.  But if anything, that prove Fury right not to call her.  

Love you

Agreed.  To me, the only negotiation should be on how to improve infrastructure as an incentive for the company to move.  New York should have said:  we’ll fix the roads, add more bus lines/subway lines, and various other infrastructure improvements that benefit EVERYONE. 

It doesn’t ignore it at all.  They at least had principles and followed them.  Whether those principles were good/bad is another thing.  Instead, the Republican party has abandoned all that for an even more twisted version.  And now, the Republicans currently in Congress are spineless and continue to let a cartoon

To me, it was when the Religious Right became empowered.  Karl Rove was the brains behind that. 

That assumes you think that the current people who identify as Republican are really Republican.  Since Dubya came into office, the Republican party has lost its principles.