
I have such a low opinion of anyone who went to Liberty University. 

Here’s the thing:  You can’t just make it all female and not explain how it got there.  It needs to be an organic move towards that.  To me, that was the biggest issue.  It was the suits at the studio wanted to do something strictly for a gender demographic.  A bean counter made the decision without regard to the

Wonder Women = Good Movie
Ghostbusters 2016 = Shoe Horned awful remake.

Guarantee that they didn’t give the companies advertising on that story any money back.

Besides Johnny Sack moving to NJ (and ensuring that he wanted no part of Jersey), nobody in NY wanted to move into NJ territory.  

Here’s the thing.  The members of Phil’s crew didn’t like how he was acting.  So they actually turned on Phil themselves.  They didn’t give Tony his location.  But they allowed it to happen.  So to me, NY family is in good with Tony.  Remember, he’s had casualties too (Sil, Bobby).  So it’s an even wash.  

My local credit union, APGFCU, is offering help.  They are a very good credit union to deal with.  So if you live in northern Maryland, check them out.

That’s a stretch to make that connection.  That doesn’t convince me at all.

There was still his driver that is alive and so was Benny. I know Carlo flipped but that doesn’t mean he’s gonna take a chance at getting Tony if he’s in custody and singing like a canary.  Again, this notion that he was killed is off because there was no immediate threat to him. Phil was gone and he made peace with

Interesting.  Link?

The war with the New York family was over.  There was nobody out to get Tony at that point.  So why would you think that a random guy that Tony doesn’t know in a Members Only jacket would clip him? 

See, that’s the problem.  Jobs would have made the product so great that the 7 market would pay more.  If they lost some, meh.  It wasn’t about getting every single person to an iPhone.  It was about getting as many people as possible to one iPhone.

This.  Cook is clearly about the cash with a whogivesafuck on the simplicity of the menu of products.  Apple has gone from a one page menu to a menu of items found at a diner. 

A lot of the 2 year upgrades were paid by the cell companies with only about $200 or so paid by the customer.  Now, customers are paying monthly for their phones.  After 2 years or 30 months of payments, people want to have some months with a lower bill.  It took me 4 years to upgrade to the Xs.  Might have been

No problem paying higher taxes. However, tax increases alone arent the answer. Programs have to be cut as well. Defense is where I would start. The health and defense of citizens should be of the most important. Than infrastructure.

You and I know it’s a test tunnel.  But don’t have a webcast about it.  Continue building the tech.  It’s too early to show off. 

Yup.  I as the guy ended up waking up at the same time.  After a month, wife stopped breastfeeding.  It wasn’t working for us and our sanity was more valuable. 

In our case, our kid moved too much to be in the bassinet in our room.  She woke herself up because she got so big so quick.  So we moved her to the crib.  Best decision ever.

You know that he’s a Senator, right?  That mean he represents all of New York State, not just NYC.  It’s a different world in Albany as opposed to the 5 boroughs. 

You missed the point. With Ghostbusters, we already know that main four characters were men. To then reboot it and just toss women in there without explanation seems short sighted. People are going to make a connection to the old and new movies. As I said above, the reboot featuring women is shoehorned and seems like