Bmore Molly got a new name

Except if you read the non-Jezebel takes on the story, she was probably railroaded by the police into making a false confession (impacted by language issues). It is unlikely that she took any action that directly led to her fiance’s death.

Jezebel got slammed for their poor reporting the last time they did an article

There is shady evidence that she did. He wasn’t wearing a life preserver and didn’t wear a wet suit. Survivability without those is limited. If he wasn’t in excellent physical shape he might have had only a few minutes before he’s too cold from hypothermia to swim. The police found the drain plug, apparently removed

From what I know (not much), elite college players are not exactly encouraged to take full advantage of academic opportunities that are available to most students, so they kind of are ‘skipping college.’ Not to mention that a lot of players go just one year and then enter the draft.

HIPAA, but damn good joke.

Whenever your email sits on a server you do not own, the email is not yours - it belongs to the organization that hosts that email. Period. No matter what promises are given, what accords are reached, unless you have a written contract that specifically states that the data contained within the emails and general

Per the North Carolina Christmas Tree Association website, “North Carolina has over 1,300 growers producing Fraser Firs on an estimated 40,000 acres. Fraser Fir trees represent 98% of all species grown in North Carolina.

It’s been a minute since I lived in the US, but there were plenty of Christmas tree farms in Virginia, the Carolinas, Tennessee and Georgia. You’re probably right about the South, west of the Mississippi though. I’m on the west coast Mexico and my trees always come from Oregon.

Q: Is there a difference between butt grabbing and rape?

In addition to being racist and all-around offensive as fuck, this is a stupid and useless idea. Boomers are retiring now. We need people in our work force now. Getting pregnant right this very second will do exactly jack shit to help this problem - if we don’t fix it with immigrant labor in the meantime, we’ll be so

Standard disclaimer: Each individual’s needs and goals will vary,

A bad joke intentionally meant to diminish the work of victim advocates to name and acknowledge sexual misconduct and harassment. Imagine, instead, if it were a white dude making a “joke” about how he can’t use whatever favorite racial epithet anymore because of “PC culture.” Either way, it’s obviously not really a

Singles are not cheese. the stuff you buy as a block of slices is; a tiny bit of sodium citrate to smooth the texture doesn’t make it “not cheese.”

Pro tip: Low expectations are the best. I stopped wearing makeup in to the office 90% of the time, so the days I do wear it I just get compliments.

I would definitely like a link to this scientific study that says that women who consume dairy are 40% more likely to get ovarian cancer than those who don’t.

Is your argument we should deny public spaces and programs to underserved populations because it makes you uncomfy to be faced with their existence? GTFO of here with that nonsense.

‘made it on her own (which, did she? in terms of lucking into marrying a royal?’)

I’d say becoming a successful actress on a popular TV show is textbook “made it”.

I believe the projection is based on there being no mandate, thus a necessity for the insurance companies to charge way higher premiums, thus these 13 million will no longer be able to afford coverage and will “voluntarily” exit the pool.

American cheese is merely cheddar and colby mixed together with annatto. Sure Kraft is a little bit more machine made, but a grilled cheese sandwich is a taste of childhood. As both Ferran Adria and Thomas Keller have said, fine dining is also part of sense memory and evocating a taste of childhood is something both