
Seeing as how nobody outside of car blogs cares about this, they will be fine.

check time:

Mistakes were made, VW.

If only congress could be more like him.

Nice job VW. No irony, I think it’s pretty awesome.

NOx reacts with other compounds to react with Ozone, a greenhouse gas.

“Strong emissions standards are in place for the benefit of public health” That from a GOP-led committee. That is rich.

Sorry... I had to.

Hey rememebr that time the country’s largest fuel company created the largest environmental disaster in this country’s history and no one was criminally charged? No? Ok. Carry on with criminal charges against VW for designing their engines to be compliant with a test that doesnt garantee compliance.

Now, now. The topic will switch to climate change because cars and fuel. Abortion will come up during the hearings about the number of combat ready troops in the military.

Let’s test all the new cars and trucks. Do you think the VW executives are the only Clever Dicks in the auto industry who thought they could get away with flouting the environmental laws?

“Who will feign the most outrage? Who will be utterly confused by what’s going on? And who will defend Volkswagen to the death because the company maintains a factory in their district? Can’t wait to find out.” Perfect. This.

Hey remember that one time that GM lied about its switches for years causing numerous fatalaties and then got off with a slap on the wrist? No? Carry on then.

Roughly 610,000 people die prematurely every year from heart-related problems that result from eating fatty foods and not getting enough exercise.

If I could tweak your analogy a bit:

First, with a claim like that, how about some proof? What are the numbers? What are the sources?

Secondly, if breathing in pollutants was deadly, and we really want to keep people alive, smoking would be banned everywhere.

Thirdly, you’ve proved my point. Thanks! The air we breathe doesn’t exist around us alone. It

I’m a Mechanical Engineer, so...

You’ve missed the point, entirely, as you’ve actually proved mine.

If you bring China up to where we were in the late 70s, you could make a much more significant impact on the level of pollution, and you could do so for far, far less investment. But, of course, let’s continue to waste

You know - it’s not even the Science that’s hard. It’s the fact that the corrupt and useless EPA is going to potentially receive 18 billion dollars which will contribute exactly ZERO PERCENT to the health of the planet, because: Government.