
@d3v: I have respect for game directors, like Kojima, he has total control on his projects, and that makes them interesting, with more character than other games with multiple directors that don't have a single vision. But, Kojima gets more work out the door than Kaz does. And Kaz doesn't even need to write anything,

@Ashkental: I have the utmost respect for them, and I love their games, but really, this game has been coming out forever, it's just frustrating waiting, and I'm sure it's turned off a lot of the fanbase, or even made the casuals that loved this game forget the series all together. I guess we'll find out whenever it's

Honestly, this is a nightmare for PR. All it shows is that people aren't doing their jobs, I'm all for making a game that's great, but this is ridiculous, at this point I'm not planning on getting this out of disgust, or at least have serious doubts about getting it, where before I was sure.

@Dodgerwd: it's the arc the lad collection, so I thought 1, 2, and 3 are all there in the package, along with a spin off.

Maybe I'm a fool, but I'm pretty sure that there won't be another physical media war in that way. Hard Drives are just becoming too cheap. Not that this isn't really cool and all though.

I'm impressed. This game should be great, hopefully the campaign has a lot of great levels in there for us though, I found those ones to be the best, but I haven't really been back to the old community in a while.

Wow, good luck to him, I'm sure the surgury will go well, whatever is wrong with him (something that should probably be kept private).

Stalin would be just about as pissed as Lenin would be to have a Cartier Diamond store right accross red square staring him in the face. Russia is full of great contradictions like that.

@Ubiquitous: This is certainly on my list to see. Considering I'm studying in Moscow this semester maybe I'll check it out.

@fsshariq: more like a world without food, tons of crops in north america at least needs bees to cross polinate, if they all died out tomorrow there would be food riots.

@Bawb3: Well I love my PSP that's for sure, if they're smart they'll make [Censored by Sony] compatible with the PSP library, but I'm betting that will only be with downloadable titles.

@Ransomlikescake: I've only got 12, the most impressive one is my Canthan Cartographer one, I don't know what the hell I was doing to do that one. Surprising though that after 1200 hours on that character I only have 12 of a possible 30. Guess that's cause I was farming for uniques the whole time. After having a great

I'll grab agito probably if it's as good as Crisis Core was, I loved that game.

@Hatebunny:It was excellent, one of the best sandbox games I've played in a while, it's got an 85 on Metacritic, I really found it worthwhile, and it's only 30 dollars now... I'll get this game day one I think.

@Action Fitz: I played the whole series pretty much back to back for the first time when I bought my MGS PS3, and I will admit there are some things that other games did better, but I think the gameplay was the best, and the story was really "epic" and the final sequence was spectacular, even though it seems to have

I don't know what they've been doing with their Sonic series, it's really poorly done, but they've had some other great series that are critically acclaimed and actually make money, like the Valkyria Chronicles series, and the Yakuza series (that I really like).

@TanyaRei: (Shhh! It looks pretty!)

@ri59: Well, if you believe in global warming, as I do, then a whole lot of people will die do to it if we don't do anything. "Falling in Line" can also mean "working towards a common goal". I mean the ad was stupid, but I would like to see more climate change ads with what could actually happen if nothing changes,

@Unknown2U: If people think ahead then yes, they would because the best energy saving technologies - ones that are now widespread - save people money. Like those low burning lightbulbs, they save people money, not only on buying less lightbulbs, but on that expensive energy bill, or insulating the place, a small