
Then why are 3 women featured?

this is a very important correction

  • Everybody in Pokemon Sun and Moon

Right, it’s not the draw so much as it is a judge who appears to have been watching a completely different fight from the one everyone else saw. That’s a problem!

Kitase doesn’t deserve credit for XIV’s rebirth though, that’s entirely Yoshi-P and his team.

hear hear on both XIII and XV. I rather liked XIII and enjoyed the hell out of XV. I’ve always felt in the minority of people having that opinion

I’m the same as you, I liked XIII a lot actually, and had a blast with XV, not the biggest fan of XII but I still bought the remaster and enhoyed it when i played long enough. And X is my favourite game of all time. And don’t even want to think how much time I’ve spent in XI and XIV. I’ll buy final fantasy as long as

I looooooooved this dungeon.

The cops wanted to find something in the guy’s blood so he could be blamed for the accident, rather than the high speed car crash that essentially caused the accident.

Sounds like Ganon.

And taught by Diaz’s mother.


Also missed my favorite line:

“I wouldn’t know how to play the game with the gizmo” is just beautiful.

Excellent. However, they spent a good five seconds or so inking the side of that container thingy, which was a waste of time since walls don’t count.

Better than people that don’t ink the spawn point as far as i’m concerned.

what is wrong with you