
Is there an iApp available that can measure my indifference to this?

Do all British teenagers look like the Osborne kids?

Please prank me. Please.

Please tell me they said, "YOINK!" when grabbing the phone.

@Zanzan42: That was actually from Revenge of the Nerds.

@highfloydelity: Can't answer that one...I sent the video via email, and it compressed it before sending.

Some may choose to wait for the possibility of a fixed iPhone some time next year. In the meantime, I just took mine on our family vacation last week. I took beautiful pictures (including this one), shot and edited HD video, and published it all to Facebook right from my phone. Oh, and I also made some phone calls.

Flour + Water = FAIL. Everyone knows you need yeast to complete this equation.

I am 100% behind this project. Dr. Dre...Word Up!! I can't wait to hear your interpretations of the sounds for Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus, AKA the "GAS GIANTS". Hee hee. Hee hee. Hee hee.

Vertically-cooled, so it sucks the lint right off my carpet and blows it directly up into the PC body.

Great. Because I don't already have enough shit in my house that takes up space that we never use. You know what I need? I need a cement iPhone 4 case. Make that for me, and my "death grip" issues are a thing of the past!!! I don't give a shit if my phone weighs 7 pounds!!!

This was just the thing I needed to read to brighten my day here at work. Thanks.

What if you purchased a third-party case from the AT&T store? No refund?

"Introducing the XBOX Triple Lindy - It Only Does What's Next."

Can comments be edited once they've been submitted? In case I notice a typo or dangling participle or misplaced modifier?


I'm curious what percentage of the population actually root/flash/jailbreak their phones? Not what percentage of Gizmodo readers, as I'm sure that would be much higher. On the whole, how many average Joes actually go to the trouble of doing it? Seems like the time and engineering involved in locking devices down

SIX banannas behind Jimmy Johnson? Just one more reason real NASCAR fans know that fool is cheating.

Take that, Toshiba! roundhouse kick ROAD HOUSE!!!