
Does anyone believe that a tiny gay man is running around throwing N bombs at football players to instigate fights? Please. Mixon is a dishonest piece of shit.

Des Moines is ok but Albuquerque is kind of sketchy.

Access to athlete quotes is greatly exaggerated, who needs another cliche? And Boogie is a giant, fucking baby.

It didn’t get pushed aside, Americans actively don’t care. We voted for a president who will repeal the EPA. Flint may soon be the new normal.

Bad line requires a mobile QB, that’s common sense. If Russell Wilson couldn’t run Seattle would be a 3 win team.

Once skittish is in your bones, it never leaves like HPV.

I love how early in the season all these “experts” see a two game trend and ride that as the new reality. Sam Bradford plays well for 3 games- suddenly he’s no longer Sad Old Sam and the Vikings are a SuperBowl contender. Now they’ve regressed to the mean and nobody has them in the SuperBowl. Wheres’ the media

Most violent felons don’t get their guns legally

He was smoking a cigarette, that’s all you need to know. Smokers don’t give a shit about their own health, let alone yours.

You must live somewhere terrible like Florida or Arizona?

If you are sick of living in Seattle, feel free to move you whiny pussy. Rest assured you will not be missed, this place is crowded with enough midwestern transplants like yourself.

Kapernick is the freshman who took one poly-sci class and now has a buzzword-soaked opinion for everything

Minorities didn’t vote, you have it backwards and the stats are clear. I know Deadspin loves to bash whitey but at least whitey knew the game and the stakes.

Minorities didn’t vote, that’s your reason. Look at black turnout in WI or Penn. Who needs to vote when talking shit online is so much easier?

Minorities didn’t vote, period. Look at black voter turnout in WI. There are too many Kapernicks out there who would rather talk/complain on the internet than actually get off their ass and vote.

The difference being US soccer doesn’t have that much to lose. They’ve been underperforming forever, might as well underperform in a new and aggressive way.

This election was black and white and your daily does of white ran roughshed over the internet snark. Live and learn?

Yes black people are beyond antics. Just ask Ochocinco, Terrell Owens, Floyd Mayweather...

Fuck what you said that’s what happened. 6 million Obama voters stayed at home to whine online instead of vote. I have zero sympathy for the Kapernick apathy millenials who didn’t vote due to laziness or stupidity.

Meanwhile your boy Kap’s attitude just gave the swing states to Trump. But whatever, snarking online is way funner than actually voting.