Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

The signs were neither vague nor inconspicuous. People’s hubris in regards to nature is really something.

“Epstein’s years long courtship of local middle school students.”

I went backpacking in the Badlands backcountry, which is a big grassland, and was the only person there. That backcountry has no trails, so I just followed a drainage back for the day and set up camp. After setting up and cooking dinner, I climbed up the adjacent little plateau to eat and watch the sunset. When I got

My friend was a ranger there and said he lost count of the number of he times he was asked what they fed the various wildlife species and had to explain that the park was not a zoo and that these were in fact wild fucking animals. 

A friend was a ranger in Yellowstone. He said he lost count of the number of times he was asked “So, what do you feed those things?” in regards to the wildlife. People treat it like a fucking zoo/amusement park and think they’re insulated from harm in the same way. (See, e.g., all the idiots that get to close and get

I guess I’m just saying that, given the welcome expansion in beer offerings at the vast majority of grocery stores over the last decade, the term
“grocery store beer” is pretty meaningless at this point. It basically means any of the several most popular offerings from the many breweries that are nationally or close

Rodents don’t carry rabies

Not sure how you put Budweiser and Coors Banquet next to each other as if they are equals. Bud is so over sweet I can’t stomach it, while Coors original is probably the best of the macro lagers.

I live in rural West Virginia and my local Kroger carries multiple varieties of Bells, Stone, Oscar Blues, and Lagunitas (and others, I’m sure; those are just off the top of my head), as well as a couple offerings from the local brewery. I think this whole concept is largely outdated. 

Interesting how the lexicon differs across regions/communities. For us, tallboys were always the 16 oz cans, usually sold in six packs, because they were just like the regular 12 oz cans but taller. The 24 oz singles were known as “grandes.”*

Agree completely. I think Sierra Nevada should be the most “craft” allowed in this kind of draft or else you’re just getting into whatever medium-sized breweries your local distributor happens to hawk to the grocery stores. My small-town WV Kroger carries the local brewery’s two flagships as well as multiple variants

Or the downstairs neighbor complain about the strange, foul-smelling liquid dripping from their ceiling:

Pouring one out for our dearly departed Black Pepper Jack

I usually fly United or Delta and I do think I get charged much less often on United.

Pro Tip: Do not immediately offer payment and you are very likely not to get asked for it at all. I get charged maybe 1/3 times when I order a drink on a plane. I usually only order one drink and i do it during the regular drink service, so this may not apply if you’re flagging down the flight attendant for drinks

Yes I love how I get to customize the size of my entree at every restaurant I go to.

Do you know what year the law passed that requires hair places and dog grooming/daycare places to use a pun in their name? And when was it amended to include Thai food places? 

Now playing

This speech sends chills down my spine every time I watch it:

I have been hungover many, many, many times. Though I’ve puked during a night of drinking many times (usually directly after having a shot on top of a belly fully saturated with beer), I’ve puked the morning after a night of drinking maybe three times in my life. Not all people’s stomachs behave the same way.

trail mix with the raisins and chocolate removed