Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

And not just any mountain, a sacred mountain that was taken from the Lakota Sioux in violation of a treaty.

So you’re saying you’re not a Manfred man?

You’re confusing me caring about the way in which you and your ilk feel the need to incessantly and condescendingly voice your opinion in unrelated forums with me actually caring about your underlying opinion. It is precisely because no one cares about the latter that the former is just so tiresome.

Fair enough. And I recognize that you were not the one to start this little kerfluffle, which is why I made sure to point out that I was using the collective “you” when complaining about those that jump onto unrelated forums to declare that anyone who likes IPAs is an unsophisticated rube who has been hoodwinked by

The fact that you choose to believe we think it’s a source of pride (it’s not) is pathetic.

Except, in that case, the verb “lost” isn’t really accurate. I find Stella drinkers are mostly bros who have aged out of drinking Natty Light and want to appear classier without actually adjusting their palate.

Nobody cares that you hate IPAs. Seriously, nobody cares and there’s no reason for you to jump on an article that has nothing to do with the merits of IPAs as a style to announce your opinion on the subject. You IPA haters are, by far, the most vocal and annoying group in any beer-related forum. It’s OK if you don’t

Yeah. This article would be more aptly titled “I don’t really like sour candy very much.”

That really only addresses one aspect of his passing skills. His ability to hit shooters in their exact pocket with one hand from across the court is very rare. His teammates talk all the time about how he is uniquely able to deliver them the ball in exactly the right spot—like, down to the direction that the laces

Handsome and attractive, you say? Are we talking about the same Kevon Looney? This guy?

Sauteed in butter on relatively high heat and finished with salt, pepper, and a squeeze of lemon. Mmmmmmm.

I came here to say exactly this. It works as both the greens and the garlic in your pesto. You can add basil if you want, but it’s still quite good without it if you don’t have any. I love it just spread onto a nice crusty bread.

My usual, smartass response was, “You familiar with a ruler? It’s about that big across.”

For words that share the same last five letters, “tragic” and “Dragic” could hardly be further from rhyming. Amazingly, neither the “a” nor “g” nor “c” sounds are the same in the two words.

the myth that “fish don’t feel pain”

My statement was indeed a bit of hyperbole. I’ll just say that the kindness shown by humans on the planet is not a result of those humans being “ignored, ridiculed, made fun of, harassed, sarcasmed at and treated nastily” as children. They persevered despite that because of their fundamental goodness, which I still do

The very real health impacts of our environmental and food policy and the very real way in which our healthcare system myopically focuses on symptom treatment over long-term health promotion are not exactly conspiracy theories. They are obvious facts. 

I didn’t see her entire performance, so forgive me if she said something ridiculous that isn’t reflected in the clip above, but what exactly is the problem with focusing on the role that our chemical, environmental, and food policies have in creating chronic disease? Do you really think they are not closely related?

I didn’t see her entire performance, so forgive me if she said something ridiculous that isn’t reflected in the clip you provided, but what exactly is the problem with focusing on the role that our chemical, environmental, and food policies have in creating chronic disease? Do you really think they are not closely

You sound like a good dad.