Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

No, it’s good policy. You criticize the bad behavior when it is occurring. You praise the good behavior when it comes. If you’re dealing with an older child and want to have a later conversation about how their delay in coming around to the good behavior harmed the family in some way, that’s fine. But, in the moment,

What are you talking about? The world is riddled with assholes, many of the violent type. Our societal child rearing practices are largely responsible for that. It has not WORKED WONDERFULLY. Showing empathy and compassion to our children is the best way to produce adults that show empathy and compassion to others.

Just wanted to come here to commend you for leaving out the rice chex in favor of the far superior corn chex. Not sure if that was part of the “Mex” theme, but regardless there’s really no reason not to always use all corn instead of rice.

It was meant for me and my friends to laugh at be performatively outraged over in a way that allows us to feel superior to the dirty lower classes.” I think this is more accurate. Not the most mirthful bunch, your Karens and Beckys of the world.

While we’re being pedantic, I don’t think it’s accurate to say that the satellites don’t “transmit any location information at all.” The radio signal transmitted by a GPS satellite includes the necessary information to establish the satellite’s location, which is what allows GPS-based navigation devices to triangulate

I agree that Harden’s game is not particularly aesthetically pleasing, but I disagree that he is primarily trying to exploit and con referees. He is, instead, using his unique skill set to exploit and con defenders into fouling him. The vast majority of the calls he gets are indeed fouls, because he is extremely

Pretty sure it’s mid-April, within days of the season ending. That’s generally when the media members with votes publish their lists, if not before.

They changed the date of the reveal a couple years ago because they wanted to do this big awards show and knew that the players wouldn’t be able to come unless they waited until after the playoffs. The votes still happen right after the season. These are all facts that are readily available. There is no need to get

Sours are becoming much more common, but mostly at places that have more than just a few craft taps.. In DC, I’ve had good ones at Sovereign, Churchkey, and the Big Hunt. I’m sure they’re available many more places as well. I live in West Virginia and most places with a decent beer list include at least one sour or

I prefer a full rye whiskey with my old fashioned or manhattan, though a high-rye bourbon is certainly better suited for the drinks than the more corn- or wheat-forward bourbons.

The same brain phenomenon that allows us to wear clothes without actively feeling them on our bodies all day.

There is no difference. One just costs twice as much.

I wish I could tell you how many times I was asked the difference between the full rack and half rack of ribs, but I lost count somewhere after 1,000.

Is New Orleans the kind of place you want to spend your hard-earned vacation days visiting?

Not play-by-play, but I’m curious for your opinion, as a Wiz fan/captive, on Kara Lawson. I think her game analysis is excellent. I’d be happy to see her get a national gig.

Guacamole is fruit salad.

True. And by that definition a hot dog is a sandwich.

I think the statement “I just want a beer that tastes like beer” needs to be read as “I just want a beer that tastes like the beer I drank when I first started drinking beer,” which for most people means low grade light lager. I can definitely understand the desire for an easy drinking brew over heavier and more

Their taste and the common ways in which they are consumed are much more vegetable-like than fruit-like. You’d rightfully be aghast to find them in a fruit salad, but not in a vegetable casserole. Functionally, tomatoes are vegetables.

I see. So glad to have such an expert on here.