Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

Thanks for sharing that fascinating story about Onesimus. Rest of the piece is very good too.

Yeah, I don’t think the Whole Lotta Love riff is stolen - at least not from the same Muddy Waters tune they stole all the lyrics from. In addition to the tunes you mention, they also stole much of Bring it on Home from Willie Dixon/Sonny Boy Williamson, Hats Off to (Roy) Harper from Bukka White, and In My Time of

Neither of these dudes come out looking good from an LGBTQ-wokeness perspective. The manager meant the claim as an insult and Tyson defended against it as such.

I was super high on Cleanthony Early, didn’t see any real pro potential in either of the guards. It is good that I don’t make draft decisions for any NBA team.

As soon as he asserted that the players liked Joey Crawford, I knew the foundation of this piece was highly suspect.

Yeah the idea that the players liked Joey Crawford and the other performative egotists, or that those refs somehow improved the game, is just absurd. This whole piece boils down to “I’m old and no longer recognize the referees in the NBA and that makes me sad.”

I’m just wondering what the writer of this article thinks is the right move.

When you’re in the midst of it, you have no idea if it will last 24 hours or four days.

Ah, the good ol’ One-Eyed Jack. Got me through many a hungover morning in college.

You know that light stays on all the time, right?

To get drunk. This is not complicated.

A “24-hour flu” with nausea as the main symptom is probably just food poisoning anyway, which is thankfully not contagious in an airplane setting.

In the incident at issue here, he was not inside the court boundary. He was standing outside it behind the coach, rubbing his shoulders. So the NBA seems to think there is some figurative line outside the formal court boundaries that he should not cross in terms of interacting with the participants in the game. I tend

Curious how one would pack enough MDMA or amphetamines into the size of a standard LSD dose to have any real effect. I’m no expert on the subject, but the few times I’ve taken what I believe to be fairly pure MDMA it required a far greater volume than one could seemingly dissolve and infuse into a blotter/gel

You sound like the asshole bar manager that wants all the musicians to play for free or so that they can get “exposure,” while you pocket all the dollars from booze sold to people who are attracted by the music.

Not sure how you’re defining the value of work. Unlike digging ditches
and many other forms of manual labor, playing basketball is highly skilled work. Not many people can do it successfully. If there were a free market for his labor, many schools (as well as shoe companies and other businesses with financial

he installed a 7-foot wide time-lapse photo of the band, rockin’ out during a concert he went to

Sublime’s just a lot better, I think. And, as others have said, Nowell dying made them iconic in a way that 311 will never be. 

They shouldn’t. From a phylogenic perspective, dinosaurs are absolutely reptiles, as are birds.

I think the plural is actually Tyrannosauruses Rex, kind of like the Brothers Gibb.