Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

It’s the ratio of replies to retweets & favorites. Generally, a well-received tweet will have many more latter two than the former. Shitty tweets garner more people replying to inform the tweeter that their tweet is shit, as opposed to the quicker favorite or retweet. I believe Deadspin’s David Roth popularized the

Just re-read Anna’s comment and it did come off much more condescending than I originally grasped. I think you significantly and unnecessarily upped the aggression level of the exchange, which is what led me to believe you might have some anger issues. Apologies that my last line was indeed a bit patronizing.

My main point was there is no need to be an asshole in a discussion about pie, regardless of whether the original responder misunderstood your post. That point seems to be lost on you. Please find an outlet for your anger before you hurt someone in real life.

You said “It is not about the taste, I just can’t handle too much sweetness.” I think a response that boils down to “pie doesn’t have to be very sweet; maybe try a less sweet pie” is perfectly reasonable there. It certainly doesn’t warrant such a dickish response.

A buddy of mine made a blood-red red ale for a Halloween by adding some beets to the mash. It imparted a faint earthiness that was actually pretty nice.

Bet you didn’t think you were going to be given the third degree just for sharing a relevant personal anecdote, did you? Or, because this is the internet here, you probably did.

And today I learned that chipotles are not their own kind of peppers but smoked jalapenos!

Guy’s obviously a bit of a douchey know-it-all, but the pizza place he mentioned is indeed fantastic. Probably the best Neapolitan-style pie I’ve ever had.

Bradley was actually pretty damn effective for the first half of his career before injuries hobbled him. He was just considered a disappointment because he was drafted so high. Bradley’s solidly in the second tier of super-duper tall dudes (which I’ll define as anybody taller than Kareem, basically) along with Manute,

Don’t necessarily disagree about the Knicks package vs. the Celtics package. In fact, I hope you’re right because I’d rather see AD in NY than Boston. My issue was with you arguing that Robinson is more valuable than Tatum in a vacuum, which I continue to think is insane.

Wings can’t be that scarce if Tatum’s own team has more than can fit comfortably.

The schools are free to offer scholarships that stand regardless of whether a player leaves early to try to play professionally. Kentucky offers these kinds of “lifetime” scholarships. 

Literal LOL, which is rare for me. Good work.

Can’t argue with that logic.

Your argument is that wings are more valuable than bigs. That doesn’t tell me anything about Tatum v. Robinson.

I mean what is the lottery but an exercise in rolling the dice to see how many dice you roll?

If you feel Tatum is better, I would love to hear your reasoning.

Cheer up, buttercup. The only way the Knicks were going to get AD is if KD and Kyrie signed (unless they were stupid enough to sell the farm for him with no guarantee that he’d re-sign), which is still likely to happen. Excuse me if I can’t muster too much sympathy for a bumbling franchise because last night’s event