
The Surface may go toe-to-toe with a Macbook Air but its real strength is in out iPad-ing the iPad.

Holy crap would I like a (good) TNG game to be made, that looked like this.

So... so you just don’t own a phone then?

People like going to clubs and watching people tell jokes on stage. What’s next? People will watch video of people who go to clubs to watch people tell jokes on a stage? When will it end? .... ....

Just wait until they find out about Seal Team Six

I bet he named that spreadsheet “SpreadShit”

This is hero league isn’t it? I can tell by the Jaina/Kael’thas combo. So sick of playing against those two together, even though I love playing both.

Your opinion is valid, but it is wrapped in a layer of racism itself. Self-deprecation is a way of owning and defeating a stereotype. Comedy can be - and usually is - our way of dealing with being minorities in a white world. Look at Jon Stewart, 90% of his comedy is self-deprecation. He makes jokes about being

Buy the Pajamathur skin.

I’m at work right now, so I can’t find the appropriate gif, but just imagine that scene from Dollhouse where Adele is saying, “I am...very British.”

Dude it’s not really that bad. I’m a falstad man myself and I’ve barrel rolled over the tower wall and been trapped on the other side and killed by a fort... gg

Objectives are great and all but in the ways of game objectives the web weavers suck ass they are weak as shit anyways so this really isn’t that big of a fail.

Whilst it comes down to bad luck and just plain not observing the minimap... I managed to punt the enemy team Butcher straight into our Abathur with the Dragon Knight... Twice in the same game >_<

This one doesn’t apply, third person view is different from first person view. You don’t grow a second head out of your asshole in third person games, clearly a cameraturtle on a floating cloud is following you.

That’s better than the lame explanation that his eyes emit a form of latent hypnosis.

seriously tho, wtf are they thinking?

he’s kinda easy to burst down. idiot leorics follow groups and spawn in the middle of them for whatever reason

Hahaha, you should give HOTS a try then!

Man, I’m not sure I even want to know somebody who didn’t like Journey. Even my ladyfriend who doesn’t really even play games had a healthy desire to complete the game. You were stumped by some jumping? Jeez.

I wouldn’t say “beware” of these kinds of minor repairs, but rather “be aware.” They just happen and it’s a part of homeownership.