
What? No. Stars are visible in space, but cameras aren’t capable of seeing exactly the way the human eye does.

I’m confused. They are both faking all of their missions and simultaneously covering up evidence of alien life? I guess they don’t have enough in their budget to buy a license for Photoshop?

Wouldn’t this same effect lead to decreased flight times in the opposite direction?

During Zeratul free week I got a lot of negative comments about my play in Quick Match. Nothing defuses the situation better than asking for tips and feedback from the person bashing you.

I picked up identical ones from Amazon the last time you guys posted a sale and they’re pretty awful. The sound is ludicrously bass-heavy, and most attempted phone calls end up with the other person saying they can’t hear me.

I picked up identical ones from Amazon the last time you guys posted a sale and they’re pretty awful. The sound is

My mistake, my comment should have been, “so they were doing it before it was cool?”

I think no one named him their press secretary...

So they were hipsters before it was cool to be a hipster?

Assfaces, so they don’t point out that “font” and “typeface” aren’t the same thing.

It’s called a “typeface”, rube. (I’m turning up my nose at you)

Betterment will let you cash out (it doesn’t give you fine control over the individual investments in your portfolio) but they very strongly advise against trying to time the market.

I really have no idea how anyone could make a Superman game that would be fun unless they gave the player a truly enormous open world and created a system of consequences for collateral damage. No one wants a Superman game in which bullets can kill you (I’m looking at you, Superman 64), but I might be interested in a

I have the same question. This sounds like something terrible.

Except that your analogy isn’t apt because the turn signal lets everyone know of the intent to act in the first place. To go back to your analogy, the driver who actually hit the autonomous vehicle would be the equivalent of the guy who runs at the door from behind the people who are closer to the exit and smashes

Except that the car wouldn’t suddenly change lanes in front of you. It would activate its turn signal and would change lanes only when it was safe to do so. All of the cues you mentioned in your comment are the result of human drivers driving poorly, so why would people need autonomous cars to exhibit these cues?

The truth is that turn signals and brake lights will always be sufficient to warn other drivers of impending action so long as they are used properly and those other drivers come reasonably close to obeying traffic laws. Autonomous vehicles are better at every single mechanical aspect of driving than people are. They

Or, you know, turning on their blinkers might work.

I think that early needles had a notch, rather than an actual eye.

I believe open carry of even a street-legal knife is illegal in NYC unless you use it for your job.

You’re calling this camera comparable to a phone because the white balance seems similar in similar situations? I personally don’t understand the appeal of Leica’s absurdly expensive cameras, but that’s not really a meaningful comparison metric.