
Training wheels are very good for those who have a little trouble with coordination. Trying to maintain balance while also trying to nail down the simple motions of pedaling and keeping the bike going in a straight line can be a bit overwhelming for them.

Well so far it seems that driverless cars are far less likely to cause an accident than a human driver. As for the jobs themselves, the article here suggests that it isn’t simply the drivers themselves who will be impacted, but all of the businesses that are tangential to trucking. It may theoretically be possible to

How can you possibly prepare for this (especially if unmanned trucks were to completely replace manned trucks within a decade)?

A subsidized smartphone is $200. A new truck is probably quite a bit more expensive than that, and probably doesn’t get subsidized by the dealer. Businesses will probably replace trucks as they age out of the fleet unless the cost savings of immediately firing their drivers makes it worthwhile to upgrade all at once

Fortunately for the truck drivers, the current fleets probably won’t be replaced by autonomous fleets overnight.

It’s like Gizmodo, without gadgets!

Yeah, the Jewish Empire in Brooklyn is a far bigger threat/humanitarian crisis than anything going on in the Middle East.

That’s why I take 50-100 shots of my son every day. The only way to get better is to practice! My hard drive isn’t too pleased with it though.

If you like Moto, the Moto X is pretty fantastic.

You need a ChromeCast, my friend.

My wife and I don’t stick to this. We’ve been married almost 5 years (hey, it seems like a long time to us) and last year someone we met actually thought we were newlyweds. It’s possible that there’s more to a good relationship than just going out.

I suppose you can argue that assisted opening falls within a loophole in the law (it isn’t a gravity knife or a switchblade, but somewhere in between).

It’s a solid knife, but I actually returned mine. I found it a bit too heavy for my taste, and assisted openers are illegal in NYC.

True. I think the lack of mine-able metal is probably a more imminent problem, whereas lack of fossil fuels would only be a disadvantage later in a civilization’s development.

The Ringworld series by Larry Niven sort of touches on this idea, but that isn’t really the focus of the books.

I’d have to look into the topic more, but I’d think that you may be right if the hotword is unique. If the hotword is the same for every phone and the only identifying element is the speaker’s voice then there isn’t really a difference between a voiceprint and a fingerprint.

I usually overcook vegetables when I roast them. Some people call it burnt; I call it delicious.

Nah man, those are all "B" grade. This is "A".

Nah man, those are all "B" grade. This is "A".

The 5th Amendment doesn’t protect a fingerprint because it is identifying, not testimonial. I imagine that a voiceprint would be classified similarly.