
Yeah, leave fun to the kids. Grown-ups are supposed to be dour and serious! Also, we can't eat Trix. Those are for kids.

To be fair, a very big part of many genres of photography is right place at the right time.

Amazon says $20, but they're $29.99 in my cart all the way up to checkout. Am I missing something? I don't see a promo code listen anywhere...

Amazon says $20, but they're $29.99 in my cart all the way up to checkout. Am I missing something? I don't see a

That’s ironic, because they’re hiding everything in plain sight, where we least expect it to be. Wake up, sheeple!

I really wanted it to be darker, if only because the last time I really saw the night sky was something like three years ago. Earth hour was kind of a letdown in the NYC area.

I hope someone makes a game that takes place in the Avatar universe that is actually good. SO MUCH POTENTIAL

YES. This is so, so good. But then, anything with fried onions in it is good.

They aren't putting the customer's name on the address, just shipping the equipment to a vacant address, I guess possibly without even putting a name on the box at all.

Uh, broccoli is delicious. This would not work for me at all.

Well this is an awkward position you've put me in. I don't want to say that this project was a waste of time, because it wasn't, but... you're telling everyone else that we've been wasting our time?

Then you should definitely avoid the outtake in which Ronan the Accuser accepts the dance-off challenge.

This is Star Trek's replicator, v 0.1. Wow.

I so badly want to upgrade my graphics card, but will have to save up to get one that will last me for as long as my current one has (almost 5 years) :(

Yeah, I hate simpletons who like things that look nice.

My first and only experience with Borderlands was watching a friend play for 5 minutes. During that entire time he was just pumping bullets into a single, unassuming looking enemy, and by the time I walked away he had still not killed that one enemy.

Very cool, but the immersiveness of the effect probably hinges on the user having decent headphones. I watched the video using really crappy ones and it was kind of cool, but didn't blow me away with its immersiveness.

I thought this was going to be helpful for those of us who just eat way too much in one sitting for no reason other than boredom :(

They aren't a necessity, but a smartwatch can certainly be a handy convenience a lot of the time.

What is it called when physical stimulus on one area causes one to feel as though they were touched somewhere else, as well?

I've long been an advocate of ebooks, but I realized this week that if I want my son to discover great books on his own (sort of), the best way to make them accessible to him is to just have paper books on a shelf in the house. I grew up picking random books off the shelf in my parents' house, something that wouldn't