
When I try to do this, no Google Docs come up as suggestions. Do the documents I want to link to have to be shared in some way first?

I hear what you're saying, and I don't completely disagree. I think that changing Santa is ridiculous, and I think that people shouldn't necessarily be judged based solely on their appearance. But even putting aside the issue of how weight affects life expectancy, how does being overweight affect a person while

Can't tell how much of your comment is a joke and how much is serious but given our society's strong regard for human life (or maybe our desire to perceive ourselves as having regard for human life), it makes sense for us to try and encourage behaviors that will prolong life in a general sense.

I think it's called "Notification Center" (search for that on the play store, it has a companion app with that name. When you open the app it'll prompt you to open the Pebble app store for the Pebble app.

I actually use a notification replacement system for Pebble which already does this. It's pretty awesome.

Adding features is nice, but Hangouts already had pretty decent location sharing. How about they focus on making the app run better on Android?

Wow, I'm glad I haven't had any of these problems after my update. My biggest gripe is that unlocking the screen using Moto Display shows the Android lockscreen briefly before continuing. I'm assuming this is because the new smart lock feature in 5.0 has replaced Motorola's "trusted devices" feature, but it's kind of

When they slashed prices to clear out their inventory I picked one up for $25. Best bag purchase I've ever made.

No, I empty the water from the bottom of the heater.

My grandparents have been having me simply empty the heater until the water comes out clear... almost every week for four years.

I love my 2014 Moto X, but every time I hold my wife's 2013 Moto X I miss it just a little bit. I only upgraded because my new job let me get a new phone for free, otherwise I would have been more than happy to stay with the 2013 Moto X.

I've never met a conspiracy theorist in person. How do I know that these conspiracy theories aren't just attempts by the government to distract us from what they're REALLY hiding?

I get wanting your friends to know. What I don't understand (and maybe that's simply because I can't understand) is the mentality that you're somehow betraying yourself if you don't immediately tell every person you meet that you're gay. Sexual orientation has become a big public deal lately, but at the end of the day

That may be somewhat true for stationary devices like desktops, but more power-efficient chips in mobile devices is kind of a big deal. Even when it comes to stationary computers, while the benefits of energy efficiency seem small to the average user they can make a big difference to companies that run hundreds or

What a shame. The Surface Pro 3 is a fantastic device.

Sometimes I feel like you guys are spying on me because you always put up posts that address a problem I was having the previous day.

I just want to chime in that my purchase of the Surface Pro 3 as my work machine has been nothing but great so far.

Target brand (Up&Up) diapers are pretty great, and very well priced.

I use Moto Voice/Google Now while driving all the time and I haven't found it to be distracting. It helps that Moto Voice will actually announce callers and read texts to you, as well as read your response back to you to make sure it is correct.

I actually don't think I would need a total email replacement app and it sounds like what you're working on would be fine for 95% of what I'd need.