
Alternatively, I'd be cool with them making a standalone Android app, so long as it would work well.

Disclaimer: This only applies to those who don't want kids?

YES. Text in Chrome looked pretty awful on my Surface until JUST NOW. Why did it take so long for Google to fix the text rendering problem?

Yeah, how dare the Israeli government not know that there was an illegal counterfeiting ring within their borders?

Funny, over the last thousand plus or so years no one paused before killing European Jews to wonder whether they were really Jewish. Heck, even the Arabs accept them as Jews. Now, despite genetic testing that has shown a clear link, the real issue to you is whether European Jews are "really" Jewish?

Ditto. 27 and probably my biggest fear is losing the ability to support myself, for whatever reason, when I'm in my 50's or later.

I have never been interested in other people's (peoples'?) children. I don't have anything particularly against them (yeah, crying is annoying. Even people who love babies don't love incessant crying), I just... don't care. I've never especially wanted to hold someone else's baby or play with their kids.

Well, employer contribution matching is a guaranteed return. It isn't technically an investment return, but it's essentially free money.

Well at the very least wouldn't contributing the maximum amount that will get matched (5% here) still outweigh the benefit of that money going to student loan payments? That's a non-compounding yield of 80% yearly. I think I'll have to work out the math on that...

And you actually think that an expense ratio in the 1% range would outweigh the benefit of receiving the matching contributions? Because it looks to me like only a few of these options have expense ratios under 1% at all, and those are the super conservative ones that are mostly bonds. The rest are 1% or higher.

(Up to now I've been partly picking and choosing stocks, partly going with some ETF recommendations, and partly using

True. Where my inexperience starts to come into play is in determining whether I would do better making my own investment choices than I would sticking to the choices in the 401(k) plan.

What qualifies as an insane expense ratio?

I'm about to start my first post-graduate school job and only a few days ago picked my 401(k) options. I struggled for a bit trying to figure out if I should take the matching contributions (first 3% matched, the next 2% matched 50% for a 4% total) or just go it solo because the choices were limited. In the end, I

Don't lend more than you can afford to lose, and don't lend money to someone unless you know that they will never forget the debt and will always work toward paying it off.

Addendum to SchnitzelMeister's comment: If you haven't yet started, or if you've finished 1L outside of the top 10-25% of your class (depending on the law school) you should probably get out while you can. Unless being a lawyer is your dream. I don't want to be a dream-stealer.

What I don't get is why the Google+ app regularly eats up a huge portion of my battery. Come on Google, you can do better.

You're probably right. Is it weird if I thank you for ending this conversation? I've been kicking myself for being stupid enough to enter this debate since before I even got any responses to my original comments.

I can't vouch for the sincerity or good intentions of the Israeli government in general, but there is certainly no way they will seriously entertain the idea of moving forward, so long as Hamas continues to fire rockets. Even in your analogy before, in which the person under attack was first to be wrong, for that

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This basically sums up what I would have said in response: