
Hey, good luck with the whole "no remorse" thing. Parole boards love that shit.

“When I come up for parole, they’re not going to hear me say that I have remorse.”

Wow. What a gaddamn monster.

I really feel for the poor assistants, boyfriends, long suffering spouses, etc. who take the pictures for these posts.

Can we really trust EMPIRE magazine to be unbiased about Star Wars?

In the purse, she has this miniature scroll rolled up:

It’s called a coin purse, after all, not a coins purse.

The show has officially bookended.

You have to watch the labels on what you pull out of the fridge. My drunk friend pulled out a tub of mashed potatoes late one night and plowed through it. Next morning he wakes up and sees the tub on the counter. It was lard.

Everything has been said about this wonderful, beautiful episode, except —

Didn’t ruin the entire meal, but we still talk about the time in 2008 that my dad, the designated gravy maker, pull a box of what he thought was chicken or turkey stock out of the fridge and instead proceeded to use concentrated chai latte mix as the base for the gravy.

I love it when they show us scenes through a lens they couldn’t in season one.  Michael giving Chidi the choice of whether or not to come in is brilliantly evil, but obviously wouldn’t have made any sense early on.

Honestly, I have completely given up guessing where they are going and am just along for the ride.

I was angry at first, but i’m not mad we get to live in a world were new episodes exist for a bit longer.

I know less is more, but I would watch the Esmerelda spin off show. 

“These trivialities demean me; I must away and tend my ravens”’s actually 800 years worth of story as Chidi (William Jackson Harper) regains his memories from his life and afterlife.

There is . . . either an essay to be written, or nothing at all to be said about this episode. So what I’ll say is that one of my favorite things about speculative fiction is that every once in a while, an episode or a movie comes out of nowhere and just hits you as not only cunningly well-designed, but as noted in


“when The Good Place returns on January 9"