
Is this good news? I don't know. After seeing Ghostbusters on the big screen for the first time last month I think I've changed my opinion on whether this franchise needs to be franchised. I used to want more stories but now I just think it best to leave it be.

they didn't "replicate" hormones in this case. The patient had ovaries, so wasn't missing any of the endocrine system required to produce the right hormones for pregnancy at the right times. In a transwoman it would be exceedingly difficult to ensure proper hormonal function using HRT. Maybe 50 years or more from now,

I'd also like vegas odds on how rare it is having 8 different defects that somehow result in that condition. If true, what does it say about genetic variation in the human species since schizophrenia appears in all races. Is there a study along those lines?

I disagree about the "grasping at nothing" statement. Potential conflicts should always be stated or denied within an a Research article. A common practice in many professions.

Well, science isn't perfect. It's a deeply human endeavor and we have to constantly refine and perfect it to make it work better. It's quixotic. More research always has to be done. Old established ideas always have to be checked in new ways. How can we really be sure of anything if we don't do this?

Most of the girls fleeing to join ISIS are second generation immigrants who feel a disconnect to their parents culture but still so much distance and xenophobia from their peers. You won't see people who worked hard to leave a country romanticising the way their children often do. It's all struggle and melodrama in

Listening to the phone conversation, I wondered that myself. I didn't take it that life in France was so horrible, though. The fact that she had to out right lie to her mother about the conditions she faced told me more that she was either abused, and not trying to worry her mother with the truth, or she was so

My thoughts as well. Women aren't encouraged to think of attraction as solely physical, and there isn't a culture of female preference for 20 year old men/boys. If you asked better questions, my guess is that more women of all ages would report a *physical* preference for men in their 20s and that more men would

Between the 20-something women study and 'visual creatures' thing, it seems like we're supposed to infer men are incapable of being intellectual stimulated by a woman or being turned on by emotional connections. I think if women were to be honest with themselves then yes, 20-something year old men in their physical

Correct me if I'm wrong because all of my Michael Jordan knowledge comes from Space Jam but I feel that he is an infinitely classier man than Hulk Hogan anyway.

I think it makes as much sense as Christians who have pre-marital sex. That is also considered a sin and I have often heard it lumped with adultery (you might be sleeping with someone else's future spouse). People are able to accommodate all kinds of different interpretations and practices into their faith. There are

If we're talking about animals, and this study, it just looks like males and females have different motivations for who they procreate with. The linked Slate article explains that the female saddle-backed tamarins will solicit sex from multiple males, and each of them will help care for her offspring - the obvious

Humans who believe that humankind is incapable of doing anything but wrecking the planet are, in some ways, bringing the destruction of the planet about.

Here's a little anecdote. So some years back when I was in my peak depression, my doctor put me on anti-depressants. Everyone around me told me how dangerous it was, how if I go off them I will be more prone to suicide and need to inform my doctor when I do want to get off them etc. So 30 days later after taking them

"The Secret" & the law of attraction sort of describe this. By putting energy into something, you're emboldening it so in theory "Anti-War" protesters should change their motives to "pro peace" protesters, etc.

Oh, definitely. A relevant comparsion, I think, would be that of a lot of voter mentality. Or at least those I've interacted with, in the whole "My one vote doesn't count." From a genuine belief that the individual voter is worthless, so we have en masse individual voters who believe their vote is worthless.

So do I

Exactly. I'm not sure people choose to historically illiterate as much as history is so political that it's now really poorly taught. Kids aren't even learning basics, let alone things like what the actual controversies were at the time.

does nobody else think that both stories seem off? Even if he is a douche why would he out of no where repeatedly attack a woman for no reason. Like I don't believe it was as saintly as he says and that elevator snap was all the proof I need of his douchedom. Where was everyone at the dance? Like why we're they not

Those who do not enjoy it, are always free to end it.