
Maybe you're right. Maybe police usually treat unarmed non-white suspects with a modicum of level-headedness and we just see the exceptional cases because of our present technology. These incidents are still SO numerous, I can find no comfort in thinking they're the exception and not the rule.

Now playing

This is one of those "man this really sucks" situations where there are valid points on both sides and (with the exception of the original police and the rioters/looters) everyone seems like they are trying to do the right thing.

If you need me, i'll be sitting on the fence.

I took it as a way to curb looting. It's a tough situation, and I think as long as the Ferguson PD isn't in charge, it's a good call.

that isn't true actually. Episode 4 made quite a few references to the prequel movies, they just told you everything you needed to know rather than telling you all of the back story.

I didn't expect a Star Wars Inquisition......

Please never. Please.


Star Trek: The Next Generation

Can't believe those two are still missing.

Apollo and Starbuck, Battlestar Galactica.

ALL THESE PEOPLE (Except Bailar, replace him with Pilot, same actor anyways)

I'll give my kids a last name when they fucking earn a last name.

I can see why distribution of household tasks and parenting might be more equitable with same sex partners, but I also think a major factor in why their kids do measurably better is the fact that same sex couples have to be proactive and have their shit together to become parents in general, while that is not

Shaka, when the walls fell.

They are in their right to object but it starts to show some flaws in Marvel's plan. Wright is beloved by a large section of people who closely follow MCU and sci-fi (comic book nerds). He is also very well respected by other directors. If this turns out to be true, it can turn off other highish profile directors

I don't really have to explain, do I?

I disagree. Wrath of Khan and the other old Trek films saw a huge resurgence after STID. They brought fans TO the original series and films, not away from it.

Can't fight discrimination and stereotypes with more discrimination and more stereotypes. Now show me the money, Ethnic Danny Devito!