
After detailed and thoughtful analysis like this, I really don’t understand why the “debate” continued and became so toxic and aggressive

Nothing to see here, just the face Republican Outrage Machine® kicking in looking for anything to distract from the fact they’re a crazy lying cult with a Hitler fetish.

I would be surprised if the power theft wasn’t the thing that tipped them off in the first place. Any other variable that would have tipped off the police would be somewhat random... a spike in power bills was inevitably going to draw the attention of neighbors (then the power company, then the police).

You no longer have a good excuse...

You still have a good excuse because it’s the Epic Games Store.

^ Either the proud owner of a virtual spaceship or Chris Roberts.

Because, even a British toaster will leak oil.

The thing I hate the most about this fad is all of the smug idiots it has produced.

Yeah, but in this country, going to the hospital means being in debt for the rest of your life.

Am Canadian :

Y’all leave that nice boy Tracy alone, he’s suffered enough.
And seems intent on continuing to do so, let us pray.

Hilarious actually 

I love how the only times people seem to be excited about Destiny 2 is when they bring something from Destiny 1 back

But, and this is the important part, they think they do.

Hi Jason! A chilean guy here! The video it’s hilarious, but I feel I should warn you the twitter account you linked is a far-right, trump-stan alike. On the future, please try to avoid giving visibility to account names with ‘patriota’ on them.

This happened to my girlfriend’s father’s brother’s ex boss’s girlfriend (in Canada). So sad. When he got out, he was a different man, they said.

Read this article when I woke up, and was upset because I thought I’d missed Midnight Club II.

It’s a distinction without a difference.

Can I buy a toaster with Bitcoin?

Been holding onto that hope since 2009, have you?