Now playing

Looks like this may be a thing Riot’s working on doing more often. They did this a few months back as well:

I’ve got over 24 hours in Black Ops 4 multiplayer mode already. I never even finished the Blops3 campaign.

Came here to say exactly this.  So very true.

Now playing

Yep, f(x) did that Chinese version with M.I.C. and they also did a Korean version with SHINee.

This is because, despite external perceptions, Japan has some fairly restrictive rules regarding pornography. If you’ve ever seen any Japanese (as in Country of Origin, not Actor/Actress specific) pornographic material, be it video, manga (doujinshi or not), or racy anime or hentai, you may have noticed censorship of

Been feeling the MMO bug lately, after dropping out of WoW back in the tail end of Cataclysm and was thinking of firing everything back up and picking back up from level 80.

My old boy tore his CCLs at 1 year so he had progressively worsening arthritis. By 10, he was on a daily regimen of Carprofen, Tramadol, and Gabapentin. I hated it because even if it helped ease the pain, he was noticeably less alert and less motivated to move around at all.

The idea is that it “might” be spam, so you send it to voicemail and if it’s a legit caller they can leave a message to let you know. On top of that, most of the robo-spam calls don’t leave voicemail.

This. I’m 40, just got myself a OneWheel a little more than a month ago, and I couldn’t care less what the haters got to say. I have a fucking blast riding this thing around, and that’s the only thing that matters to me anymore.

I keep seeing and hearing this, but the dude is 5'7". I know he’s not going to make a stand-out center on a basketball court or anything, but that’s hardly “tiny”.

Quick summarization of the comments section this article:

Except he never broke out. He left because he was only being detained without charges and the time limit for his detention was up. The authorities went back to ask a judge for an extension after his time had already expired (something Icelandic Supreme Court has frowned on, indefinite detention without charges and

Hot take. I love it when basement dwellers cheer each other on. Keep at it and you can move out of your parent’s basement too.

It’s actually an insect thing in general — if you’ve got an insect problem, check your electronics. They really like the enclosed warm confines. I bought my house a year ago and there was a MASSIVE ant problem. I started tackling it just by not being a disgusting slob like the previous inhabitants and keeping foot

Dumb is the wrong word in both cases. Misinformed and/or making assumptions. Volcanism is one of the pivot points a lot of the fakey-bakey climate change denialists like to use to spin climate discussions, so there is a lot of misinformation about the effects volcanism has on climate going around, and when it comes to

Ultimately I blame American governors for mass shootings. If you look at all of the mass shootings that have occurred in the past few years, a vast majority of them have occurred in states with an American governor.

Think about it like this — this show is a direct commentary on the core of sex and sex roles in society. The mechs represent childbirth, those in control feel likethey should be used for the purpose of serving their “patriarchal”society, but the most powerful of them all is a young woman who refuses to follow their

The Japanese word for zero is “rei” but they’ve borrowed ‘zero’ heavily, and typically they now use ‘zero’ for normal usage, while ‘rei’ feels more formal/archaic.


Here’s the problem. The first step, in which they posted the image without knowing it’s connotations of and associations with racism is not the issue.