Wow! This is the longest list I’ve seen here in quite a while. Thank you Cheryl!
Wow! This is the longest list I’ve seen here in quite a while. Thank you Cheryl!
Maybe - but questionable. Check Azzarello’s Joker GN instead. It is fairly explicit that Azzarello’s version of Joker is a rapist as well...
Replying to the general conversation here: could be that many experienced Jedi couldn’t handle Sith lightning because so few of the contemporary Jedi had ever faced Sith, much less anyone as powerful as Palpatine. Yoda, on the other hand, is almost 1000 Star Wars years old - I’m sure he’s faced a few Sith in his time.
The real issue with getting pool/lake/whatever water in your eyes is that it’ll float the lenses out...
This was great! Anyone have an idea of how InDesign/Illustrator/Photoshop is being used to develop pitch products? Is a pitch document now a picture book used to evoke the idea of what a project would look like - rather than just the treatment or story outline? Asking for a friend... :)
You going this year?
Can’t we have both?
Just FYI - the Kickstarter campaign was a whole other FUBAR-type situation... There was little to no communication once the campaign was over and supporters are still waiting for rewards...
Looking forward to a flashback of Herc and Thor cruising ancient/mystical/scifi taverns, causing a ruckus, and getting tossed out into the gutter...
Why does Jafar remind me of Mok from Rock and Rule?
I actually hope The MAgicians makes a great escape and moves to Netflix or HBO so we can get a more adult themed final season by the time it ends...
Thanks for this - I had no idea it had started...!
Agreed - I just want a satisfying beginning, middle, and end to a story/series. I hate getting pulled into a show, enjoying it immensely, and then having the rug pulled from under me because live ratings pale in comparison to streaming views. If SyFy isn’t getting paid enough from streaming then perhaps they should…
Still surprised the Girl Meets World only lasted 3 seasons...
Agreed. His novel output is fairly minimal - hopefully he’ll get to it or let someone else play with his toys!
This is great and all, but I can please get his brother Austin, to write a follow-up to Soon I Will Be Invincible? Maybe get a tv adaptation of the story - just not on SyFy?
Why oh why did I read that in my head in Obama’s voice....?
Yep. This is the ONLY acceptable thing that SHOULD HAVE happened in this instance. They should have interviewed the lady who called the police, determined from what she said that the young man had done nothing but walk down the damn street, and went on about their business of stopping actual crimes...
I could really see this working with Keith David as Night Wolf - only David recently played opposite Hart in Night School as his father. Missed opportunity here... Maybe Ernie Hudson?