
There is a lot of finger-pointing going on, here. Yeah, the dam is in tough shape, but the problems that are being seen here are because of the amount of moisture that’s made its way to the lake. The mountains are not holding their moisture in the form of snow and ice, and combined with rain, that’s filling the lake

I’d say a far bigger driver of inequality sticking around is the fact that many people don’t mind it.

Nice try, but no. The problem is one of funding, not a matter of some sort of mythical “brain space” being absent. We spend half of what we used as a percentage of GDP on infrastructure, down from 1% to 0.5%.

Pffffffffffft. We already spend billions of public dollars on infrastructure every year in the US. Those NFL & MLB stadiums don’t just grow on trees, ya know. And they’re vitally important, which is why we don’t get to vote on them, either.

Man, it would suck if we had an aging infrastructure increasingly more hard- pressed to handle the stress of more severe and frequent extreme weather events caused by a changing climate if that was a thing and not just a librul myth. Luckily, Dear Leader Drumpf and the One Percenter People’s Party assure me that we

Listen, you won’t get any argument from me that the Trump administration is a garbage fire, but from a journalistic standpoint, pinpointing one specific instance and strongly inferring if not misleading that the action taken was directed specifically towards that is just wrong. Adding clarification later is

It’s probably a lobbying group for pesticide manufacturers more than for actual farmers.

It is targeted. It is the responsibility of the President and his staff to understand every direct consequence of an action they take. It should be assumed that they are aware that the listing of the bee will be blocked, and are approving that.

Conservatives used to care about conserving our country’s resources and future. Now they’re just a dog that will eat until it throws up and then eat its own vomit.

Let me get this straight. They are experiencing the effects of climate change in a massive way, they have almost constant sun, and they want to start burning coal? Are we all just having a contest to see which country can be the most ignorant?

“It’s a very difficult place if you get lost in there and you are a whale,”

Pilot whales appear to be the most common ones to beach in this manner. And most examinations show that they have usually suffered significant damage to their eardrums prior to beaching. Being that sound is a significant part of whale navigation AND communication, it would stand to reason these whales were stunned,


Or they understand it, but reject it - which should give serious reason to be concerned.

And as awful as Nixon was, he was able to accomplish some things that actually benefited the country and weren’t absolutely terrible. I don’t see Trump doing anything that doesn’t benefit himself, his family, or Putin.

Now playing

“I can stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone.”

He’s not wrong. The GOP would never take down one of their own, they’re a hive mind with no moral compass. Law enforcement officers would never arrest him because they’re mostly authoritarian personalities who, like Trump, believe that democracy gets in the

when the south park guys are all “we can’t make fun of this anymore…”

Nixon, for all his criminality and terribleness, was keenly aware of history, extremely intelligent, (with the help of the likes of Kissinger) very highly skilled in diplomacy, and worked his ass off (for mostly terrible things). Trump (except for the criminality and terribleness) is none of those other things. For

He’s signing executive orders that he doesn’t read. He’s a tool, people in his cabinet are using him to get what they want. This whole “Muslim Ban” thing was Bannon testing the waters. He put that in front of Trump, Trump signed it, then Trump threw a fit when he found out what he signed, all because the media and the

The problem, though, is who is picking up the reigns when Trump abdicates responsibility at the slightest sign of work? Arch-Republican Ken Doll Mike Pence and dog-eared copy of Mein Kampf in a smelly burlap sack Steve Bannon.