Black Randal

Arcade, Savage Lands, Mojoverse (bring in some Longshot! Maybe introduce Shatterstar for X-Force...), use the enemy Proteus to create a type of ‘Age of Apocalypse’ alternate reality for a movie.... My Stars and Garters!

6 Power Ranger movies

Love this design! Clean, modern look with nice callbacks to the classic suit. It’s the first one I’ve truly liked since they did away with the outer-underpants.

At a minimum, an advisory for the audience.

You can almost hear the big, rising score as the hatch opens....

Says the guy complaining....

I’d be happy with puppets for the close up shots and CGI for the large group shots and mass chaos.

The separation of the show and the movies was justified (for a period), as SHIELD technically became a covert group.

I don’t know how others feel but I always thought Damage Control would make an awesome weekly program.

Each to his/her own but I had a really tough time with this show - SO unoriginal - and only made it to episode 4 before I realized that there are much better ways to waste my life.

I wouldn’t call either of them “classic” or “must see” but I thought the second movie was a fun little piece of super hero fantasy. I’ve always been curious as to what del Toro would’ve done with the third installment.

Probably jumping the gun a bit (and being a bit presumptuous) on this one but, man, I would love to see the second season bring in Shang-Chi!

Am I a dick for feeling pretty “meh” about all of these (save for the Batman and Rick & Morty prints)?

Alien invasion, eh? Hmmm.....

I still remember when Maria Hill dropped that Man-Thing comment a few years back. Maybe it’s lame but I’ve been waiting for something more to come from that ever since!

From what I've read, the Anansi Boys story is being shoehorned into this series. I've never read that particular story so I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Or follow a pattern already set by the show.

Impressive little toy, yes. But MAN that Mark 42 armor was ugly!

But Kingpin IS from his traditional circle. He was a main Spidey villain even back in the 60s cartoon. Plus - in the comics - he had A LOT of run-ins with the likes of Daredevil and the Punisher.