
Step 1 admit you are wrong and do it right away with apologies. DO NOT USE THE WORD BUT!

People really don't understand how contracts and a wildly increasing cap work, do they?

Fun fact! Next season will be the first time LeBron has ever been the highest-paid player on his own team. (I know, right?) Evidently (as it's been reported around) he's decided to structure this deal so that when the NBA salary cap skyrockets in two seasons due to a new TV contract, he can re-up for whatever the

Why be so cynical? Can people not grow and mature?

Bath police is what my uncle used to call it :(

Tawny needs to blindly support her city, dammit

Is that a union built Mercedes Benz in your avatar?

Don't worry Cleveland, at least you get the Republican National Convention!

Now all that's missing is for Andrew Bynum to return to the Cavs to give his 15%.

From what's been going on recently I don't think Chevy should be pumping them off the assembly line either!

Oh, wow, did you spend nearly all afternoon struggling to figure out some way, just SOME WAY that you could have a flimsy premise upon which to do an article that is in fact not informative of anything useful but simply a vehicle for all your Ohio jokes and smarmy Ohio remarks?

Do you light off fireworks every time you have sex?

I thought you needed three rings for a circus.

NFL: [takes dump]

In her bag? A marble rye.

And in other news, Bernie Ecclestone is now wanting to install cup-holders on all F1 cars and refills on every drive-through penalty.

Somewhere between Yes and San Andreas Fault.

This wasn't me but I witnessed it and it was awesome.

Don't worry, guys. She's a feminist. She'll earn her money the honest way.

Ohio, as an Ohioan I can proudly say we are one of the most ridiculous states around, particularly when it comes to the back-asswards state government we currently have.