
Did you miss the part when he joins the Protectorate and is told he will being wearing many many, many different sleeves (and leaving his real body behind)? That the soldiers RARELY live in their own skin? Or are you projecting some sort of imaginary dissonance a trained soldier would never feel.

Um, the POINT of a board like this is to express ones opinions. Now if Hollybear7 was say, a judge, in this case, this would be a huge problem. But yes, in the context of Jezebel, anyone really has the right to express their opinion about a story—that’s why the boards exist. Why are you even here?

You have ALL lost perspective. For staters, you have no idea if these boys were even SUCCESSFUL at racking up any sort of sex numbers. And even if there were this is no crime in trying. No, sorry, it is not a crime. It’s gross. And tacky. And morally wrong. But we still have something called free will. These boys had

How about we stop CONDEMNING feminism in any of it’s forms. It’s becoming ridiculous—instead of fighting the enemy (right wingers/patriarchy) women here club other women for their flaws and not doing enough for this cause, and that women, and that situation blah blah blah. Jeez.  Shocker—white women have a different

I hate the whole systemic racism thing. Not because it isn’t true—it is, obviously. But it’s SO big, so entrenched, so far reaching, I feel like studies like this and calling out systematic racism accomplishes nothing in the practical sense. Like, no shit,“now what?”

I don’t know if this is a black thing so much as a doctors/women thing. She was getting better care and attention then most women do—she’s a celebrity.

I do! I’m afraid I’ll get that white gunk on my clothing if I put it on first.

I keep seeing that he raped the 13yo. Did he?

This isn’t complicated. If the store can prove their black beauty products are frequently stolen then it’s fine they put them behind glass. If they FEEL like black beauty products are more likely to be stolen then it’s racist.

You sound like a bully.

I think about this story all the time.

How much is Jezebel paying its interns? Is EVERYTHING they’re doing contributing to their education? Is everything instructive? Because if they’re stuffing one envelope, picking up coffee, making copies, or running errands — basically anything that’s non-journalism related that’s legally exploitation. (Or maybe you’re

Yes, and writers are asked to write for 10 cents a word for the EXPOSURE. Is it exploitive if I write naked?

So true.

Wait, wasn’t he was gutted for suggesting there WERE levels (not pointing out the obvious)?

You have GOT to be kidding. Every time a man does try to speak up, he’s gutted for saying things imperfectly. Shocker, men see things slightly differently than women. You’d think it would behoove us to LISTEN to men (especially men who are trying to do the right thing) so as to understand the perspective of the

Are you SURE this is what happened?

What if a black person was wearing a sombrero. Would that be appropriation or is that ok?

What’s disgusting is how many people are OWNING ratchet culture. You’re offended that Miley Cyrus is APPROPRIATING the style of poor black culture? As though it’s something to be proud of? If I were black I would be like F-YOU for think this is what black people are about. I’d be like, you can keep the ghetto grills.

A HOOD pass? That’s pretty racist.