
Jeez Louise he’s right and you’re calling him a creep? He doesn’t sound date rape-y at all. He sounds like he understand people. But I think you’ve long stopped thinking of men as people. It’s women like you who give actual feminists a bad rap. You hate men, and you don’t believe that women can have any sort of

Ok, I’m the women in this situation and Jeez, can you PLEASE F-ING stop patronizing me? A man is allowed to ask for what he wants. As a woman, I can and DO say no to things I’m uncomfortable with. Being pressured to do something isn’t a done deal. Say no. Mean it. Or don’t and live with your decision—ESPECIALLY if, as

I don’t get why women get stinkin’ drunk with men they don’t know well enough to trust. I KNOW it’s not the woman’s fault. But who wants to be right and raped? Why do so many seemingly smart women put themselves into situations that are potentially precarious? Is it some youthful version of nothing bad can happen to

This photo DOES NOT look like a man playing grab ass. It’s the only place his arm could go comfortably. I guess he could have put his hands in his lap....

Can we PLEASE use the word assault a little more appropriately? If a dirty joke and butt squeeze are assault, what do you call it when someone give a women a black eye? Seriously, people. Jeez. I’m not condoning the behavior but words matter—calling this assault (especially the dirty joke part) trivializing true

UGH. These 40-50 something men leaving their long term wives for younger models kills me. I don’t care if they “grew apart.” All that means is he grew apart from you not so youthful body anymore. Aging blows.

I don’t know any half Jewish child (even if technically raised Jewish) who doesn’t get in on the xmas fun if they can.

You know, I’d like to say the worst proponent of this sort of revisionist anti-semitism is the right wing wing nuts we’ve all come to loathe. Frankly, it’s the far LEFT that freaks me out with their rabid conflation of Jews and Israel and the way they say with a straight face that Jews are committing GENOCIDE against

It is untrue?

I love the camaraderie and freedom of a girls only space for my daughter; my son deserves it too. The idea that girls can have a private sphere but boys always have to share with girls is TOTAL bullshit. Anyone who thinks otherwise, clearly doesn’t have sons. My kids deserve the same from this world. And I will not

Not racist. Maybe bizarre. I didn’t see the whole thing because a bunch of wack-jobs convinced Dove to pull it.

OMG. This is how the world ends. A bunch of privileged whiners complaining about how offensive a not-really offensive ad is. Seriously, this is why the GOP keeps winning—because the left spends all it’s time signifying virtue by taking one 1) easy targets 2) fighting each other for purity. I’m bummed to be a liberal

Yes, but there have also been studies that showed that admitted black applicants had SAT scores 100s of points lower than white ones, who had scores 100s of points lower than the average Asian applicant. So it’s not untrue. That said, I’m sure the black applicants are WAY smarter and accomplished than I ever was....I

That’s his POINT. Just because he’s a dick, doesn’t mean he’s not wrong. Sarah Connor was a badass. Wonder Woman, for reasons unknown, needs to wear a stripper outfit to fight bad guys. Is she powerful? Yes. But so are strippers who turn normal men into blithering idiots willing to throw away their future for a lap

I don’t know why schools should be involved in sexual assault at ALL. It’s a criminal act, and should be handed over to the police.

“The section on mothers protecting their sons is absent of discussion of how Title IX, when correctly implemented, protects their sons as well”

It’s different because she’s the spokesperson for the President and he’s a news reporter. She is under specific legal ethical obligations. IF she said the same thing as a reporter for FOX it wouldn’t be a problem.

Please answer honestly... If EBONY was white-owned vs black-owned owner, would Jezebel be discussing the situation in terms of systematic racism and exploitation? I can’t help but imagine an ENTIRELY different narrative under that circumstance—and cries of racism for those who would posit that this is really about

This is disgusting and a witch hunt. I’m sorry but I’m really disappointed in Jezebel. I hope he sues. He’s not a celeb, he’s some Austin dude who needs a support himself. His “crime” doesn’t not fit the punishment, not is it Jezebel’s place to destroy the man. That was the point, right? To totally gut and ruin him

Or they think you’re all a bunch of psychos who will try to literally ruin this guys life and bring an entire movie theater down with it because...you can? It feels good? Power is fun? Seriously, you people need to grow up and gain some real perspective. You’re no better than those gamer gate a-holes who live for the