
The guy did a disgusting thing, and apologized for it. Only those who know him can say if it’s sincere. But here’s the thing: Was that action reason enough for him to never work again? I don’t understand how Jezebel can decide to now harass this guy into unemployment. He’s not a celebrity. He’s not a public figure. By

LOL back at you, you tone deaf anti-semite. Do you like how that feels? Because YOU failed to mention that the march was about anything but POC—totally forgetting that jewish people were equal targets of this shit show. Jews do NOT have the monopoly on recognizing that anti-semitism is bad (especially when there’s a

Possibly your quote “Hey, white women, the Charlottesville protest was about destroying black and brown people.” I guess she didn’t realize that the swastikas, Nazi imagery and shouts about not letting jews displace us was actually about POC.

All that may be true. And yet, it still may be necessary to drag people fighting and screaming to help fight oppression. It may be that people who experience the racism need to lay out the issues to those who don’t experience it. And hold stupid white little hands. The alternative is....they won’t get involved. They

Hey, I’m Jewish. Is this moment about MY brand?

Or maybe they shouldn’t bother at all, and, you know, go worry about their own lives. Because if everyone waits for someone to say it better, then no one says anything. Unless you’re saying that only white people aren’t allowed imperfectly expressed thoughts. Is that it?

“Don’t expect people who are victims of oppression to explain to you the conditions of their oppression and then dismiss them when they aren’t willing to do so. That’s not their job. Educate yourself.”

No, it’s because you’re not overwhelmed by ego and anger. You recognize that intention matters. That wanting people to change, but then raging at them for daring to ask questions, only proves you only want the fight—not the resolution.

So, if you started trashing Jews and spewing hateful things, and I reacted like my mom was slapped, you’re saying I must be guilty of one of those hateful things? Because not agreeing with YOU means there’s something wrong with me. Did I get this right?

I was thinking the EXACT same thing.

I’m 100% with you. I loathe the attack on science and biology as though its inherently not woke. And that inconvenient facts can be willed and worded away. If you have a working uterus you’re female, with the rare exception of truly, physically intersex people where it’s indeed more complicated. Gender is fluid.

But why? Not being snarky—I don’t understand the turn on.

Thats a great analogy.

I totally agree with you. The heart wants what it wants.

Really? I believe you but it just seems bonkers. I can’t even imagine the context.

Nothing like men trying to dominate the female experience too.

Is it now BDSM lingo too? I’m thinking bottoming from the top though maybe it has a totally different meaning.

Is it a common thing?

And women are too weak to decline? F U for thinking that way about women.

Yes, that sinister way they pour liquor down a woman’s throat. And force them to have not 1,2,3 drinks but so many that they black out. Horrid!