
Completely fucking enraged?

If it isn’t “flying delorean time machine” then I’m not interested.

How many inches can you cut the coil springs and can you fit a giant exhaust tip without cutting any of the body work?

Being poor in the 90s meant buying used GM sedans ad wagons from the 80s. I had my share of garbage b bodies of various branding and flavors, all died horrible deaths of rust, engine, exhaust, and transmission failures.

What you’re seeing most likely isn’t a fail of data and aggregation but if shitty lazy marketers and greedy middlemen that essentially do the shittiest targeting and buy/sell junk impressions to the lowest bidder. The big industry secret is that professional, smart marketers can use the same data and do some seriously

Aren't EVs AWD? Pretty sure that helps too.

Mouth breathers.

Would have bought that immediately. 

The smooth jazz is so underrated.


That was truly the low point, but also a holdover from the spirit of the early .com days.

I dsitnctly remember this article because it helped me develope some really interesting use cases for different industries!

There’s a reason why consultants and full time SF admins are needed for enterprise customers. 


Correct take.

Some vintage Schwinn’s of that era are cool/collectable, but *definitely* not this one.

100% thia.

Panasonic made the higher end frames early to mid 80s but the exchange rate killed that business for Panasonic. Schwinn then mostly outsourced to Giant/Taiwan for their lower end stuff. By the mid to late 80s they also heavily invested in a new facility in Greenville MO that made mid and upper tier frames. Their high

Right? They’ve been half-assing it since the green album and relying on clever videos and a hopeful music press waiting for another blue album or Pinkerton (sans gross racist misogyny) that will never ever come because they have had plenty of commercial success without trying for 2 decades.

This is a 10/10 on the jalop scale. Godspeed, you lunatics.