
It really is terrible here for Women...they can’t even run for president!! What a deplorable country this is.

More like the Camber of Commerce! amirite??

Ironically enough the best “drifting” races in any game IMO were the rally races in GT1/2 :)

You need to tune your car correctly for the race type you are attempting. Having a Ferrari slung 1 inch off the ground w/ 1000+ ft/lb springs and race tires is never going to bode well on lumpy dirt...

As an aside to the visual aspects of this post I noticed one thing that really stuck out at me this morning. When you are in between missions, walking around the Retribution, if you stop for a second you can hear the ship “creak and moan” as it hovers in space. Such a simple concept that really blew me away once I

Doesn’t mean they don’t exist though. I hear you though, good luck finding a decent one anymore.

lol wut?

Why you no TBSS? too small?

2.0T is uninspiring w/o a manual imo even tho the dsg is amazing.

my god look at all the $500 god...

However you can’t get the diesel w/ a stick.

Picked up my wife for our first date in a 5spd ... just sayin

Fantastic idea! Anytime I’m in those situations and am able to deal with the situation while punching the haz lights and checking my rear I get all ol’ geezery and proud like the dad from a christmas story lol

SO...if there’s no “Game Boy” anymore does that mean the next Pokemon title will be technically a console title?

Nailed it. I don’t even consider Nintendo consoles in the same group as XB1/PS4. I’ll make a generational decision btw M$ and Sony and usually will only buy one, but anytime a Nintendo console comes out its a no brainer no matter what is already hooked up to the TVs. It’s just an experience that I don’t get w/ the

I wonder how online will work while mobile?

Damn digital gauges...smh

Chun Li vs Kitana mud match...

*raises hand with heavy sighs*