Amoroso’s. Game. Set. Match.
Amoroso’s. Game. Set. Match.
See I don’t think the bagel ranking is fair because outside of NY/NJ they are just really awful stale doughnuts...but you stop by Jim’s for some pork roll, egg and chee on a everything w/ spk and BAM M-F*CKERS!!!!
Bahahaha Moar STARS!!
The last play of Rudy....OH MY GAWD>>>>>>>>>
Ravenholm I will never forget. What a mindfuck. Of course the first time I played it was a rainy dark afternoon and my eyes were HUGE and glued to that screen as I mumble WTF over and over again. That feeling of real straight f-in DREAD is the shit legends are made of.
Well throw me a friggin bone here, I don’t care where you live I just want to know where Pikachu River is! Give me clues or something.
How bout like sagas on repeat:
Where is this!~?!?!?
Can’t imagine a vileplume would taste good at all...
Thank you. Every single naysayer from yesterday would call it immature then proceed to proclaim everyone that plays it is a stupid booger eater...doesn’t make sense to be but I guess some people are just angry at the world.
It all depends on IF you played the original games. I find that anyone who 15-20 years ago played the game, had the cards or watched the cartoon is balls deep in this thing right now. Sure, there are going to be people younger that pick it up. Lots of newbies old and young. But in general that’s the target NOSTALGIA…
That is a correct assessment.
Check your travel too, I cannot give b/c I lived in Germany for more than 6 months (Military) between 1980 and 1990.
Most important takeaway from this article is that I am justified in my love of the Keg’s baseball steak as an American. Booyah!
On the fence w/ this one. I had issues w/ Storm Mountain in 2 b/c I’ve always played Forza from the bumper cam and that just doesn’t work in the off-road races....oh well...I’m still in.
According to the oxford dictionary there isn’t one in the English (American) language...doesn’t mean we can’t invent one though!! I’m voting for “Force”. Once, Twice, Thrice, Force? Fource? Fice? lol
Star for awesome DBZ reference to car tuning!
incidents, that you know of...