
It really pisses me off that a lot of gaming YouTube channels or other YouTube channels remain apolitical while we have marshal law in the streets. People and companies too fucking worried about their “brand” and losing viewers. So many people (young and old) that they could reach.

Wow. Republicans never cease to leave me speechless.

Its a game made by Obsidian so of course it is going to be buggy as all fuck. 

Movies premiering at home would be so easy on my wife and I since we wouldn’t need to worry about a sitter or some assholes making noises.

Fetuses don’t count and you should read the fucking article!

I’ll give you that but I really wished it worked for remote play! The wireless built into it was horrible and when it did work, the controls that were decided by the developers did not always make sense or work out as intended 

3DS was a success with less controls. Vita died due to lack of content, bad PS4 connectivity and that expensive-ass memory card. It only thrives now as a hackable handheld

Chik Fil-A has been around that long? I only found out about it in 2003

They’re charging 20 each or 50 for the collection. That’s not the same price as a brand new game.

Shorts with a sweatshirt?! Are you indecisive?

Fuck Amy Cooper. She deserves everything she is receiving. I don’t believe in Karma but the Universe is doing this one right. 

I wasn’t one in hopes it gets hacked but if that’s the case, should I just put these on a pi or spare pc? I guess I really just want M2’s emulator.

Switch please!

Was he able to save his kid? Man, this is horrible.

That’s an excellent point. Use that money to make a movie educating the public that the pandemic is real or donate it to people in need. No one needs a cut of a wanna be Avengers movie! Their hope is this will attract people to HBOmax but the same fans are going to subscribe anyway so what is the point?

Monkey Paw wish of a movie

So lets pretend that this movie came out before Avengers... it would have made more money but still suck, in my opinion. 

They should spent their energy on this instead. 

So there never was a cut of Justice League by Snyder but because fans are demanding it, Warner Brothers is hiring Snyder to recut and reshoot his version of the original film.