
Honey Mushroom don't care, Honey Mushroom doesn't give a s**t!

They just need to spin them off into new shows, like K9 & Co, where the Co is a Dalek. Or maybe K9 & The Dalek, where they could be interstate truckers getting into hijinx? Dalek and the Fat Man? The D-Team, with all the named Daleks.

Oh just ruin it for everyone!

Hah, funny how I happened to choose today to watch PB and Chronicles again. You don't screw with a man and his tea cup.

It's just not as fun without hearing the CLANK at the end.

I'll wait for Bomb Queen Live, thanks.

Well we've got explosions, but not enough car chases and exploding cars. Lets see if we can work on that, mmmkay?

I can sum up my feelings of this season in one word. Meh. It's just not doing much for me, and it's starting to feel like too many other tv shows where I'm just watching it for the sake of watching it.

Whoa, didn't know she was in #2, I'll have to check it out now.

I've still got my 2 Nagel prints sitting around in a dusty corner somewhere. When can I put them back on the wall?

How was this in 3D? I only saw it in 2D, I thought it was kick ass. But then I think unicorns are pretty kick ass too.

Arrrrghh, thanks for dropping me down that rabbit hole, now I had to jump around and watch a bunch of Madchester vids, split off into The Fall vids, come back and somehow go through Cramps vids (cuz one of their vids got listed at the bottom on YT, go fig)

I'm not sure how I feel about this show, while I've always liked it, I've never thought I'd call it one of my favorite shows evar, but I'm surprised how choked up I am just reading this last SGU recap. Burn in hell SyFy, you're permabanned.

Yeah, I was kinda meh about this one, it's not one that I'd ever have to watch again. Part of it felt too close to "The Doctor Dances". Also getting tired of the "yup, they died....PSYCH!" junk.

I thought it was a weak impression. He strung more than 3 words together at a time without pausing, which GWB is unable to do.

I think I wet myself.

Boba Fett is the most overrated character in sci-fi, pfft.

It's weird that near the end they keep "almost killing" characters. I'm not sure where they're going with the drones, I never would have figured them as a Big Bad because they have no character at all.

I dunno, when they start future jumping in an Abrams show, it makes me think about when Alias went into the tank...

I liked Too Human, it had it's flaws but it was a fun loot whore game.