
But it's got a hologram!!! That's technology baby!

@Wookielifeday: He's probably Ebony Lion in another universe.

Jebus, I guess I haven't seen this movie in 20 years, cuz I don't really remember that scene.

Shrug, I don't think it's a great movie, good may be borderline, but I didn't feel ripped off for paying to see it.

What's the big deal about AVCHD lite? I didn't have problems importing into iMovie on a Mac and PowerDirector on a PC.

That's one way to keep your iphone from getting stolen.

So ultimately, it WAS vulnerable to fighters! That sucks.

Does 8mm allow me to shoot snuff films?

Sienkiewicz has always been an acquired taste. I remember when he took over New Mutants back in the day and I hated it so much, but then after a while I loved it. I had a cool Sienkiewicz New Mutants poster up on my wall eventually. Ah, here we go...[]

It was ok for what it was, but I was never a Gently fan anyway, I found the books boring.

@Erwin: That is a thing of beauty.

I went in knowing Totally Rad Show's review was "sucky movie, but a must-see movie", and...I pretty much agree.

Need to find some original old Infocom games for unboxing, cuz those were packed with goodies. I didn't own many, but I remember having Deadline, which was pretty cool, came in a folder and all kinds on bits of info was inside.

Good, I only have 10 more hours of SyFy to watch before I don't have to watch it any more. Only other thing I watch is Eureka, and that's starting to meh me anyway, couldn't even watch the x-mas episode.

@bitgod: Ah, I had to dig down, I see someone else mentioned them in a post.

@jrpacman: I have a big cheesey soft spot for that movie.

@spoogy: That's Data's "Blue Steel"

Hah, qwerty. At least my asdfg is safe.