
A lot of NBA teams choose not to crash the boards with their guards, prioritizing transition defense (which he didn’t do either, but the point stands). And a team with an offensive rebounder as tenacious as Drummond definitely doesn’t need a PG to crash.

Isn’t this the typical Lebron “haters gonna hate” story, played out after the first Cavs/Heat/Cavs playoff game, every year?

You dont really know what youre talking about, do you, pal?

Say what you want, but when Kobe was on, there was never anything like it.

I appreciate the sentiment, buy you guys way overdid it tonight.

Is this the most pointless Internet comment ever made?

But this article wasn’t about Horry?

Kobe was never a big rebounder, this stat is very skewed toward those who were.

I am not even a Kobe fan, but any stat that says Steve Francis was better than him in 2001 needs to be permanently banished from the stat universe.

This take is so garbage it might as well be written by marchman. I'd love to read your list full of Bill Russell's, Jerry wests, and other products of a by-gone era like yourself

Well this just proves you don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. Dude was easily top 10, if you won’t concede top 20 then you’re either trolling or just fucking idiotic.

LMAO you are clearly not only bitter at Kobe (for whatever reason)....but a certified idiot as well. Just stop talking about basketball. “Almost” as good as T-Mac? Not even top 20? Please tell me you’re just trolling because if not I am about to embarrass you on your own article. (Ironic you write for someone like


Yea. But I wasn’t asking you to make sense of the comment I was asking you to expand on it. Then again, Im not paying you so I really shouldnt expect that.

Holy shit. This is a garbage article and I don’t even like Kobe.

Not trying to troll. Can you expand on the fire take that McGrady was better at his peak than Kobe?

Did Tracy McGrady ever make it past the first round? This is a serious question as I am too lazy to look it up.

Have we reached peak shit posting on Deadspin with this trash article?

So original.

I always read it is as: Kobe believes it wasn’t rape, but he also thought her belief that it was rape was genuine. So he didn’t think she was lying per se, even though her version of events didn’t happen.