
Back when it first came out, I bought 999 and really liked it. But, first time, I got the true ending route, totally by accident, and it left off on a cliffhanger and I had to replay all the other routes to unlock it and find out what happens. I remember being so angry that I threw it down and never played it again.

I don’t get this. The system has a built-in boost for summons. Every time you don’t get a 5*, your percentage of getting one increases by .5%. On my second summon, I got a 5* Takumi. I’m not about to waste my time rerolling when getting a 5* is easy enough.

Don’t forget that they should havr separated the interact and jump button. That’s what really drove me crazy

Also, Richard needed a spreadsheet because he was ONLY playing for two specific Digimon(out of 217) and would not accept any others, which is not how the World games are generally played.

I don’t get this, I really don’t. It’s not really that bad.

This PS4 cover brings back BAD memories...

My EXACT thoughts. People that say Cloud is as stoic as Lightning have either only seen the movies or have only played the first few hours of FFVII. Cloud really changes as the game goes on.

Attack on Titan? More like Attack on Wife!

To me, what little I am seeing of the combat system, it kinda looks like it had combat similar to Kingdom Hearts. If that is the case, then I am totally fine with that!

First and ONLY movie I have ever walked out on was M. Night Shamalamadingdong’s movie The Village.