
and not an affordable 4cyl diesel (or 6) among them

Looks like #3s throttle stuck...

All I got from your post was blah blah blah im fat old and rich. My stuff is better than yours, Im super safe because my equipment says so.

I'm just bike curious man..

landing a plane on an aircraft carrier, flying a plane, heart surgery, brain surgery...

Also that thing about having to chase people down and getting shot at on occasion. Probably dictates some of the riding gear too potentially?

Some day Im going to get one. Im hoping to at least take the MSF course this summer (If I have the cash).

No one cares really.

Or just make it for the PC from the getgo and not have to worry about it. Then port it to the consoles.

Err CO is actually deadly because it ....

No his job was to do what the customer asked which was "I want the best headphones".

Dead guys can surrender... so the zombie apocalypse has begun!

"Retreat hell! We just got here"

Shit just got real?

must leave this here as well.

Still waiting for a nice small diesel car over here thats NOT a VW or luxury brand. Come..on chevy better deliver that cruze soon.

Hated that song honestly.

Not all of us would give two shits about having to wear a certain flag on a backpack. I'm from here why the hell should I hide it. If someone thinks everyone from a certain place is like a certain stereotype the opinion that they have really means nothing to me in addition to the fact that I wouldn't be associating

I wouldnt know shit about driving on a track let alone with other cars either... Though im fairly certain "hes' faster than me i should probably let him by" always applies.

I drive a wrx and prefer rally or DTM... im trying to save us one convert at a time. Nascar can fuck itself.