
came to see serious curb clipping, leaving disappointed. Not all that huge of a fail honestly. Ive done worse.

Think my fiance' just bought one of those actually, if not that exact one. Works really nice.

Come over to science. Its mostly women. My boss is a woman, and her boss is a woman. The 2nd in command of the whole place (large dna seqencing company), is also a woman.

/obligatory QC reference.

wheres the STL jalop meet.... Make it happen.

I think the hayabusa engine is bigger than this car...

16k is a friggin chevy cruze.

No star but ill give you a heart clicky for having a great writing style.

better than the original i think.

I thought that damn ape looked familiar. Now I know why Ive seen it. Its right next to that brunswick XL.

pity its not the saabaru :)

No no its not gratifying that he "took it back to its roots".. are you fucking insane? He just destroyed a classic where had he gone to a track day (if it were actually his) it could have gone back to its roots legally and would still be driving around today.

so basically a dead stick flair (of the blades) at the last second.

Its called a joke. I was thinking it was the bullshit air intake insert till the video started.

came expecting the turbo tornado or whatever it was called... leaving dissapointed.

That and LOLcutscene... you never see it flying at the target.

Though what about your vehicle being used in the commission of a crime?

Id light the house on fire and delete the doors or toilets... or both.

woudlnt the physical evidence counter act that?

What do you bet they planted explosives ON the targets instead of actually hitting them from any sort of distance. RPGS arnt exactly known as a sniper weapon lol.