
someone did something in hollywood.

So I ask this question. What are YOUR favorite places to buy and sell cars?

provided thats an actual picture, it looks damn good.

You cant, they tend to hold the value really well i think.

MR2... turbo kit.... /drool

actually one used wrx... though mines only 2 years old haha. I am selling it though for anyone looking... thanks to the aformentioned 22k a gallon gas.

Well this is easily answered. The wall was faster.

Tell im to go procreate with a bullet.

I would assume all the interbreeding going on in nursery (dirty dirty plants), probably the genetic differences of a wild type versus a non wild type.

So they "Paved eternal paradise and put up a parking lot."?

slight difference between sedentary and risk taking. You can do one or the other or even both. Being sedentary is a risk. Going out and doing stuff is also risky.

Shit, in non dictator countries we have teenagers launching lego men into space. Pathetic the super funding they have cant figure it out yet either (though i guess its a good thing).

Best Koreas next announcement: "We NOw have rockets that spew headcrabs!... believe us or else"

If any country actually nuked a city here? Assuming we didnt retalite with a smiliar response and wipe them off the face of the earth. You would see a surge of people signing up just to go shoot at these aholes.

and to be russian.

son of a... beat me to it.

then he'd get booked for speeding AND failing to stop.

As long as thou knowest thy tire limits thou shalt be fine.

Thou shalt own both a winter set and thine summer performance set. Lest ye be cast off into the pit of all seasons.

As far as fuel doors. Generally a good rule of thumb. Itll be on the driver side of the country of origin... Usually.