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    Hitchhiker’s guide is not popular culture. Only your friends even know of it. It’s a pittance of cult lore by a meh author that was adopted as cultism by non-social nerds. Kardashians are pop culture. Adams is obscurity.

    Free markets rule. Government mandates drool. Fuck jizzmofo

    It is complEmentary. Not Complimentary. The experiments are not praising each other or free.

    Unions suck. No, a crappy worker does not need to get paid as much as an exceptional worker. Everyone is for safety, but the modern union movement is just about financing progressive slavery.

    TANJ! (From the Ringworld Novels by Larry Niven) Short for There Ain’t No Justice, TANJ-dammit!

    Thunderbolt much?

    Progressives are in both/all parties. Anyone who thinks an unelected bureaucracy should have control over the lives of people ‘for the greater good’ is a Prog. Get government OUT of our lives.

    Yahooo! Reduce the size of govt by 75%! Return the power and responsibility to the People! Death to Progressive Slavery!

    Nixon was. a Progressive, like Carter, Obama and H Clinton. He, like them, believed the govt should run the lives of everyone. The EPA was created to do this. Death to Progressivism.

    Either we are all equally equal or it’s every person for themselves. Your Vicious Circle just creates more and more marginalized groups over time.

    Dude, that was 50 years ago. And the South was run by DEMOCRATS at the time.

    So? It’s a negotiation. Demand more. It’s called The Free Market. If women accept lower pay/benefits/etc, it’s their fault.

    Well within the margin of error for a statistical study. Effectively equal pay.

    Hmmm. All these companies want the cheaper foreign labor. They are protesting that they can no longer get indentured servants. This is the new pro-slavery movement.

    Then you are thinking foolishly. I see it every single day. Under-table full-time jobs, single moms with live-in boyfriends who claim they live alone so they can get SNAP. These are not ‘poor’ people. These are people who know how to manipulate a broken system. Hence, the coming reforms.

    Trump is a germaphobe. He’s not touching his food. Go ahead, tolerant libs, make fun of the fear of germs.

    Fucking might just be the problem.

    Money is fungible. Learn that. If mom gives you $5 to buy rocks and you had $3 for rocks and paper, you can now spend all $3 on paper. It’s simple. Any org that supports paper gets to spend more on paper when US pays for rocks. If you don’t like the changes, fork over your own $.

    Um, no it doesn’t. Some places are $500 an acre, many are $1-3,000 an acre. If you want already-developed land with on-site utilities, sewage, county/city water, sidewalks, street lights, you can pay as little as $10,000 for a fraction-acre lot.