
I saw on twitter a video of the “fireworks” it was on the level of your annoying neighbor on the first day of the 4th of July weekend, not his full show, just a test run.

They should have told the Kent State administration to fuck off and kept playing. I mean, what are they gonna do about it, call in the National Guard?

This does indeed suck for Lithuania, but good on FIBA for holding the officials accountable.

Maybe the New England Patriots can take him. 

A woman came up to me yesterday and said to me, governor, please stop eating the Costco samples. those are for everyone.

And if someone went up to him and said “please governor, tell them to help me get some healthcare because i work 60 hours a week at 2 small businesses neither of which offer health insurance”, his story would probably be about how liberals harass him when he’s just trying to eat. 

That is an untenable position for the general election. As you know, George, I just biked around Lake Michigan, nearly 1,000 miles, through Michigan and Wisconsin, two really important states. Nobody at a diner ran at me and said, take my healthcare away. Nobody. This is — this is reckless as it relates to — and you

If it sounds like a single Trump supporter came up to Chris Christie in Pennsylvania and said something dumb, and he then extrapolated that into a sweeping generalization into what’ll win the entire state of Pennsylvania—which includes two major cities and metropolitan areas containing millions of people, as well as

Jake Tapper is the worst kind of Very Serious Person; he's a journalist who fails to hold anyone accountable in the hope of seeming unbiased.

Can’t wait for Mike Pompeos receipts to come due. Smug lying enabling asshole.

(music theory joke incoming) Too bad all the Jets’ harmonies of late are based around m2, M7, A4, and d5 dissonances. 

Having never been touched like that by a woman before, it was all he could do to prematurely eject her.

Not surprising. Mike Scott is well trained in the art of Pennsylvania fisticuffs.

All together, Cheers fans:

What other side? Disassociative idiots?

when a change fails to make a difference they just move to the next restriction

I gotta come back here for one more thing:

What? What fuckin’ planet are you on?

It’s extremely frustrating how if anyone takes any stance on firearms other than completely unfettered access to every firearm ever conceived, you are “ANTI-GUN.”