‘Bout time someone stood up to the matriarchy. Keep this up and someday we’ll have a male president!
Here’s to Lee Iacocca and his failed experiment, the DeLorean.
If she ever deigned to compete, Molly Schuyler would wipe the floor with him.
Same question, except a mother
What a coincidence, thats’s their policy for hiring training staff, too!
Or, as the Atlanta Journal Constitution puts it, “Hawks’ Trae Young edged out for Rookie of the Year”
If I was sitting next to Roger Goodell, he could have it for free.
Sometimes all owners being horrible can be good thing- it brings fans together!
I can’t speak for all Mets fans, but in my experience we are not exactly smug and by no means morally superior; rather, as we are masochistic and self-aware.
Unless you were born in 1896, you’re not being “smart.” You’re either a fawner or you were lucky enough to inherit a convenient team.
Actually, it’s perfectly natural for Bols to drop.
To hate something so helpless and pathetic is not a good look. It’s like hating an orphaned puppy (an incontinent orphaned puppy, but still).
Don’t know, but he CAN play 5-on-5 with his kids, which is impressive, I guess
[Look away, I’m hideous!!]
[Comment withdrawn; derivative. Please ignore]
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