Big Van Vader

This goes in line with Comic Books (and magazines) in the early to mid 20th century; one of the leading reasons those old Marvel and DC comics are worth so much today: unsold copies were destroyed.

For starters, Asian countries stance on white/black isn’t the same as ours is. They have very, very low populations of both black and white people, blacks especially, and their historical interaction with them is far less than that of the western countries. Nor do they have a huge history with brown-skinned people

Right? She should be wearing nothing at all.

Stop making articles about this stupid game and no one will play it.

I would say that the first remake wasn’t pretty good but instead pretty bad. Good when compared to the second in the series, which was terrible. And this third installment, which looks abysmal.

Nah. Saddest part about this is that we’re advertising another group of dumbass, uneducated Americans who don’t understand that “a lot” is two words.

Don’t worry about it. A turban-wearing Mario riding Yoshel the Camel, with Princess Peach in her bright pink and sapphire-encrusted hijab will be there to save the world. And if not, we can all duck over a pipe in order to escape to their sandstone bunker.

The main issue with Valerian was the forced love plot. And I do mean forced. It overwhelmed the movie, had zero grounds or reason for existing, yet the entire movie revolved around it and had little else to go on in terms of a story (not a good decision). The movie itself wasn’t terrible, and one can certainly see

3D/SFM porn is the same as regular porn: 80% is garbage, 15% is good, while the last 5% are the gems you’re really mining for.

This guy, his company, can do whatever he wants to... But Meta needs to face the facts: they are the old man on the block now, and there’s no way to eliminate that image from people’s minds, ever. This is how social media works; fresh and new, then old and replaceable. Same as culture.

When did Chrono Cross become a beloved game? I played this game at release, and I remember the reviews, discussion, and my own experience playing this underwhelming entry. I was a mediocre RPG then, nowhere near the caliber of Chrono Trigger (by comparison of eras), and not a game anyone put down as an instant classic.

You pretty much summed up humanity there. People taking sides on issues they hardly understand. We live this everyday, and each of us has been guilty of it whether we realize it or not.

Please. Division 2 is a fine game. I played it for the first time from Nov-Dec of last year and enjoyed every minute of it. Many of you are so easily offended or uncomfortable by seemingly everything today ... but I refrain from going down that road on this post.

The best counter to this, as demonstrated by Cowboy in one of his streams, is to use the Fingerprint shield and just shield crash/smash them into oblivion. It’s a relative flawless victory.

I’ve used certain Discord channels for drop notifications (ignoring those tied to Amazon). Got my PS5 last month this way, and have had many chances to buy a new RTX —- just don’t need it quite yet. It took a couple months of active monitoring to get my PS5. Graphics card, however? They appear more common and overall

This is one of those rare games better w/o music, especially since they never stop playing certain tracks, and every little sound detail can better be picked out, which is very useful and important in this game. That Limgrave song started driving me nuts. Never. stops. playing.

Amazon also wanted to make an MMORPG.

Haha. Good for her. I think it’s a hilarious comment. No one should have to walk on eggshells because humor has been eliminated from modern culture.

Sweet Tooth

The main problem with (primarily) young people who access social media sites is their emotional attachment to these streamers.